Page 8 of Guardian Angel

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Within minutes I’d shoved everything of importance into a small bag. Most of the stuff in my room was meaningless. It wouldn’t do me any good in the human world. I didn’t even bother bringing clothes. Everything I had would stand out and attract more attention than I wanted to deal with.

“Knock, knock,” a voice called from the living room of my apartment.

I shouldered the bag and pulled open the door without looking back. I didn’t know when I’d return to this room, but I didn’t care. It was a bed and a collection of clothes. I could get that anywhere… even on Earth.

Joriel stood in the middle of my living room, arms crossed over his chest. He looked young, somewhere in his early twenties, but looks were rarely honest when it came to the ages of angels. Unlike Micah, Joriel wasn’t ancient, but he’d been around a while.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, less than politely.

He wasn’t bothered by my tone. He never was. “I heard you’re leaving us.”

I snorted. “It wasn’t my choice.”

Joriel dropped onto my couch, making himself comfortable. “How long are you going to be gone?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t gotten that far in the contract.”

He tucked his long brown hair behind an ear pierced with a small silver hoop and leaned forward. “You may want to do that.”

“You want the job?” I glared at him. “Yeah, didn’t think so.”

“Nathaniel, don’t be cocky. Being a guardian isn’t something you want to take lightly. That kind of binding is—”

“I get it. So unless you’re here for some reason other than to lecture me, I’d like to enjoy my last forty minutes in Heaven.” In reality, I didn’t want to think about being bound to the human girl. I knew it was serious, but I didn’t know exactly what it entailed. And I didn’t particularly want to know.

“Actually, I am here for another reason.” Joriel looked toward the door leading out of my rooms just as it opened.

Samuel waltzed in as if he owned the place. He held up a bottle of some kind of liquor and grinned at me. “So you’re finally going to spend some quality time on Earth.”

I glared at him, not finding anything about this assignment amusing. “What is this? A going-away party?”

Joriel sighed. “You don’t have to sound so miserable about it.”

“What is there to celebrate?” I demanded. “I’m going to be a glorified babysitter.”

“At least she’s cute,” Samuel said, flipping through the first couple of pages of my contract. “And Earth isn’t half-bad.”

I snatched the contract from his fingers. “Why didn’t Micah give you the babysitting job? You’d make a better guardian.”

Samuel poured himself a glass of whatever was in the bottle he’d brought and sat back. “I’m busy.”


He shrugged. “Believe whatever you want.”

“I’m sure Micah had his reasons for giving you this job,” Joriel said. “Just because you don’t understand it now doesn’t mean you won’t.”

“Shut up, Jor. You’re not helping.”

He picked up the bottle and an empty glass and wordlessly handed them to me. We drank in silence for a while before Joriel spoke again. “While we’re all here…”

“For the next fifteen minutes,” I muttered.

“Training room?” Samuel asked. He sounded like he didn’t care either way, but he’d never passed up an opportunity to fight with us when he was around… which wasn’t often. Samuel spent as much time on Earth as he could get away with.

I spent the remainder of my time in Heaven fighting demons alongside my brothers—my family ever since I joined the secret order.

After I left the training room, I headed for the elevators where Micah was already waiting to see me off.
