Page 58 of Soulmates

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“You son of a bitch.” How could he ask that of me? I’d already said goodbye to enough family in my life.

“Please, Sam. I need you.”

I shook my head. “I hate you.”

“I know. But do you still love me enough to do this for me?”

The anger was dissipating, turning into grief that was digging its claws into my chest and threatening to tear me open.

I was nine years old the last time I cried, and I had no intention of ever doing so again. I was supposed to be stronger than this.

“Promise me, Samuel.”

My voice cracked as I agreed. Because he’d given me no fucking choice. I wouldn’t let him turn into something he’d hate. I’d do whatever it took to keep him from turning into a soulless monster.

He reached for me but stopped before his blackened hands could make contact.

I let out a humorless chuckle. “I don’t think it’s contagious.”

Joriel grasped the back of my neck. His touch felt the same as it always had. “Thank you.”

Breathing was getting more difficult by the second. The pain was lodging itself in my throat, choking me.

I shoved Joriel away, holding on to the last thread of my anger with everything I had, because I wasn’t sure I’d survive without it. I didn’t say a word as I left my apartment, slamming the door behind me.

I barely registered the drive to the Amatos’ house. It wasn’t until I got there that I even realized that’s where I had been headed. I killed the engine of my car in their driveway and stared at the mini-mansion. I’m not sure what plan I had when I started driving here. I just had to see her.

Before I could decide whether or not to get out of the car, the patio door opened and Siren stepped out.

Her brown hair was pulled back in a bun, and she was wearing a pair of tiny shorts with an oversized T-shirt. Her bare legs seemed to practically glow in the moonlight, and for a second I forgot about Thomas and Joriel and the shit show that had been tonight.

As if she could feel my gaze on her, she turned to face me.

There was something wrong with her soul. It looked duller than I’d ever seen it, as if some of the light inside her had dimmed.

But that couldn’t happen. Siren was the sun. She made up for all the terrible shit in the world, lit up the darkness.

I dragged my eyes up from her soul to her face. I couldn’t understand the expression I saw there. I think it was safe to say she wasn’t thrilled to see me, but she also didn’t exactly look mad so much as… vacant.

The car door slammed behind me, and I closed the distance between me and the back porch where Siren stood completely still.

“How’s Thomas?” she asked in a soft voice.

“You know.”

“I was with Shawn when he got the phone call.”

“He’ll be fine.” The same couldn’t be said for Joriel though. Or me for that matter.

“That’s good.”

I nodded robotically.

“What are you doing here, Sam?” She sounded so tired, so beaten down.

“I needed…” I wasn’t sure what to say. I needed her, but I couldn’t have her because she was human, untouchable.

“Do you want to come in?” Siren asked.

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