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I nod, slightly annoyed but also pleased that at least that means she’s safe while she’s here alone. “Can we go somewhere and talk then?”

“Jacob… us being alone… I just…,” she continues to stumble over her words. “I hate that you’re pushing this so much and forcing me to have to say it.”

Well at least she’s not indifferent toward me. This I could work with.“So, youdon’ttrust yourself with me. Doesn’t that mean something to you?”

“That I’ve had a few drinks and it makes me horny and okay, my body still remembers you? Sure.” I shrug. “People make mistakes while they’re under the influence of alcohol or hormones all the time, it doesn’t mean they want to be with that person. I’m not interested in fucking up my whole life for one night. I don’t want to put myself in a compromising situation to do something I’ll regret.”

“It wouldn’t just be one night, Whitney. It could never just be one night.”

“My mind and my heart beg to differ. I am over you. So yes, it would be one night that I’d regret and be forced to live with the guilt of potentially cheating on my fiancé? No. I don’t want that.”

“Are you trying to convince yourself? Or me?”

“Are you kidding me?” She storms past me and goes toward her car. “I can’t continue to have this conversation with you on my front lawn. If you’re refusing to leave, then we can go somewhere to talk.” She looks so gorgeous in this moment. Angry, her cheeks flushed and her hair slightly bigger, my guess from playing with it like she used to do when she’s nervous.

“I am not letting you drive, get over here,” I tell her, motioning toward my car parked in front of their house.


“You’ve had more than a few shots and you don’t even realize that you don’t have shoes on,” I say, pointing to her bare feet. “Do not make me tell you again. You are not driving. Now get over here.”

“I am not getting in your car.”

“Then I guess we aren’t leaving.” We stare at each other for a second before her phone begins to ring in her hands.

She looks visibly panicked at the name on her screen before taking a deep breath. “I haven’t done anything.” She shrugs as if talking to the person on the phone already and not to herself. “Hi baby.”

The word stings and I realize that it’s her fiancé. A term of endearment she’d used for me once upon a time is now being said to another man. She looks up at me and narrows her eyes visibly annoyed.

“Seriously? It’s Jacob, he’s a friend of my parents.”

I raise an eyebrow at her.He’s figured out I’m here already?Her eyes look toward the door and assumedly she realizes that the door camera ratted her out. She tries to hide the fact that she rolls her eyes but I catch it and I wonder if this situation of him questioning her is a frequent occurrence.

“Now suddenly you care where Chloe is?” she jokes. “She’s on her way over. He’s my Godfather and he’s been in Mexico for the past three years and just got back. He wanted to make sure I got back from my parent’s okay since Chloe stayed a little longer. I took an Uber home by myself.”

It’s not a complete fabrication but the way she twists the story so effortlessly makes me chuckle at the fact that she’ll definitely make an excellent lawyer.

“I’m not sure.” She walks away and I try my best to strain to hear because it sounds like he’s giving her a hard time but I’m not sure for what. The way she shared so easily that I was here, means that this guy probably has no idea who I am or about our previous relationship. I vaguely hear the wordsridiculousandtrustthrown around and I frown that she’s having to deal with someone who’s so clearly insecure. But I reserve judgment for now because maybe there are things about this relationship that I don’t know. She hangs up the phone with a huff and comes back over.

“I hate when he gets like that.” I can see the irritation on her face and I want to touch her to relax the frown lines on her forehead but I don’t want to make things even more complicated.

“Is he like that… often?”

“It’s like he doesn’t trust me. And… he doesn’t know about you. He has no reason to feel this way.” Her voice is getting more excited as she gets more worked up. “I’ve never even come remotely close to doing anything inappropriate whenhe’scheated onme!” She claps a hand over her mouth like she hadn’t just blurted out the truth. Her eyes widen. “I didn’t say that.”

My blood begins to boil.He did fucking what?! I will fucking murder that kid.Aside from still being the most important person in my world and the love of my life, she was also my Goddaughter and I vowed a long time ago to kick the ass of any man that didn’t treat her right. “Yes, the fuck you did.”

“Don’t tell my parents. They will… they already…,” she winces.

“I’m not concerned about Kevin and Michelle right now and neither should you. You need to be concerned aboutme.I am fucking pissed.” He takes a step toward me. “He did what?”

“It’s not…”

“No, don’t backtrack now. Go get your shoes and get back out here. We need to talk. And if you don’t, I’m coming in the house and you’ll have a harder time explainingthat.” My tone is direct and I hope she realizes I am very serious in this moment. She lets out a sigh and I hear afuckleave her pouty lips as she goes back into the house. She’s back moments later with her heels on and her purse before moving quickly past me toward my Mercedes. She slides in the front seat without even waiting for me to open her car door which pisses me off even more, but I assume she’s just in a hurry to get away from her house and any prying eyes. I follow suit and pull off into the night, going down a few streets and finally pulling out of her neighborhood.

I’ve pulled onto the highway without any real direction or idea as to where I’m taking her.Just keep her talking.“Did I really hurt you that badly that you believe you deserve to take that kind of shit from anyone?”

I notice her tense and snap her gaze toward me. “Not everything is about you, Jacob.”
