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I don’t speak.

He leans down so our faces are only an inch apart and I’m sure he can tell that my breathing has become labored and I also wonder if he can hear the pounding in my chest. He’s giving me a chance to stop this.But I don’t want to. I know it’s wrong and I know I’m about to start down a path of destruction but I can’t think about anything except Jacob’s mouth on mine.Fuck, his lips. I remember he had the softest fucking lips.His nose brushes against mine and I let out a sigh that causes him to utter a groan. Our lips are so close but not touching as we essentially breathe in the same bit of air and then just as my eyes flutter closed, I feel his lips touch mine gently. It’s light and quick but it’s enough to send an explosion of fireworks behind my eyelids and goose bumps to appear all over my flesh. I open my eyes and he’s staring straight at me.

His hands find their way into my hair and he pulls gently and just that small action has my panties dampening. “Baby.”

“Hmmm?” I respond without thinking and the smile that finds his face makes my knees buckle.

“You still respond to that.”

I don’t respond.

“I love you,” he repeats and I don’t respond to that either.

I just raise my chin, letting him know what I want. I lick my lips and he raises an eyebrow at me sexily. But also, in that arrogant way that tells me he knows he’s got me. That sexy arrogance. Not many men can pull that off, you know.Bastard.His lips find mine again but this time it isn’t a brush or light, it’s a full-on kiss. He wastes no time and soon his tongue finds mine and I’m lifted off the ground and I’m pinned to the wall. My legs wrap around his waist instinctively as he grinds his dick into me. His tongue weaves with mine in the familiar dance we did for the better part of two years. His cock is hard and the space between my legs is getting slicker by the second as he drives himself hard against me.

He grips my ass harder and I’m grateful that all of it is covered by the lacy boy short underwear I’m wearing instead of some of my barely there underwear. Whenever I’m wearing a short flowy dress like I am today, I feel too exposed wearing a thong so I wear something with more coverage and I’m grateful for that in this moment. I know that if he was touching the bare flesh of my ass, it would be even easier for him to rip them from me.And then who knows what would happen.

I want him to rip them from me.The thought enters my mind and the words leave my lips before I can stop them.

“Fuck me,” I moan out when he takes a break from attacking my lips to find the space behind my ear and trail kisses down my neck. His tongue darts out and licks the same path just before he pulls back to look at me.


“Ah.” I gasp as he bites my earlobe and it brings me slightly out of the sex haze and into the present where I remember where we are. “No. Not here. We shouldn’t.” I think I say, because the angle that he’s grinding against me now is providing direct friction against my clit and it’s making my whole body sizzle every time he thrusts.

He tugs my hair gently and it has a direct line to my clit which pulses in response. “Yes here. We absolutely should. The sooner my dick gets inside of you the better.”

I pull back, those words also reminding me of the fact that I’m engaged to another man. “We are in my parents’ house… I’m still engaged.”Fuck fuck fuck. What am I doing?

He traps my bottom lip between my teeth and pulls on it gently before pressing a peck to my lips and setting me down on my feet. His hands fall from my ass but not before moving forward and tracing the top of my panties gently with his index finger. A flutter moves through me and I grip his biceps to steady myself.

“We’ll go to my house.”


“Now.” His eyes are dark. “You’re not feeling well. I’ll offer to take you home.”

“That only settles one part of this dilemma,” I tell him. Tears flood my eyes at the thought that I just cheated on my fiancé and I’m contemplating going even further.

You just asked him to fuck you, I think we’ve officially crossed the line of further.

“Anything else is irrelevant,” he grunts as he runs his fingers through my hair in an attempt to smooth the tresses he’d pulled on. He runs his salacious gaze all over me and I realize he’s probably seeing if I look presentable enough to go back downstairs.

A knock on the door stops us from speaking and I briefly panic thinking it could be my parents or anyone that would be confused as to why Jacob and I are in here alone. “It’s Chlo…” her voice is low and rushed. “Mason realizes you’re both gone and you’ve got about ten seconds to get back downstairs before he makes that fact known to more people than just me.”

I know Mason wouldn’t rat me out but I also know he might come find us and there aren’t many places we could be. Or he’d make a point to ask where I am sending anyone on a search for me that would lead to questions I am not prepared to answer right this second.

I move toward the door when Jacob grabs my arm stopping me in my tracks. “Not now, JP,” I tell him before he has a chance to speak.

“Come home with me.”

“JP, stop.” I pull out of his grasp and open the door to see Chloe’s worried eyes. She pulls me out of the bathroom and toward my bedroom, my guess so that Jacob and I don’t reappear at the exact same time after being gone for so long.

Chloe shuts the door behind us and I feel like I’m finally able to breathe after being trapped in a bubble with Jacob. “We kissed,” I blurt out. “More than kissed.” I recall his cock rubbing against me and my sex clenches in response. “Not sex but…” I bite my bottom lip before rubbing my fingers over the skin remembering his bruising kiss. The way he bit my lip, ran his tongue along the seam of my lips, the way his hands gripped my hips, his fingers digging into my flesh like he was afraid I’d disappear from his grasp.

“Oh my gosh, this is huge. You and Jacob, oh my God!” she squeals and wraps her arms around me. “I mean, I’m going to have a long talk with him about what I’ll do to him and more importantly his balls if he ever hurts you again but oh em gee!” She claps and I shush her.

“Can you be quiet? I don’t think my parents heard you.” My phone vibrates with a message.
