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I smile just before he presses his lips to mine gently.

Two weeks later, I lost my virginity to Jacob Price.

I’m staring at Jacob as he sleeps soundly on his stomach with both hands under his pillow facing me and I can’t help but study him. He’s got a bit more stubble, probably meaning he didn’t shave yesterday which feels amazing between my legs so I’m not complaining. His lips are slightly parted and his soft breathing seems to calm me. His wavy brown hair is messy and sexy definitely from my incessant pulling last night and I drag my fingers through his strands. I stroke his forehead, trying to rid the worry lines that seem to be forming in his sleep. I press a kiss there and then to his temple. The one cheek I can access. The tip of his nose. I brush my lips against his as best I can and then he moans and pulls me closer to him. We are both completely naked so I rub against his cock as he pulls us closer and I whimper when I feel him hardening against my leg.

His eyes open slowly and a sleepy smile finds his face when he sees me looking back at him and pulls me deeper into his arms. “I want to wake up to this face every day for the rest of my life.”

I melt. “Me too.” I rub my nose down his neck and press my face into the space where his neck meets his shoulder. I inhale his manly scent and let out a sigh. “I want to stay in this bed with you forever and hide out from everyone.”

He pulls back to make me look at him, stroking my face with one hand. “We can’t hide anymore.”

“I know. I just feel like hell is about to break loose.”

He sits up and pulls me up with him and brings me into his lap. “Hey, everything is going to be okay.” He presses his forehead against mine. “It’s going to be you and me in the end.”

“You and me,” I repeat.

I finally left the safety and comfort of Jacob’s bed to go to class a few hours later with the promise to return later that night. It’s around five o’clock that evening when I get back to my house. I’m planning to change and drop off my things before leaving to meet Chloe, Trey, and Jacob for dinner. I had finished my paper earlier today and turned it in and managed to take my midterm and despite the tumultuous current state of my life, I was able to focus for the ninety-minute exam. My phone begins to vibrate just as I’m walking into the house and I know without looking that it’s Jacob wanting to know how the rest of my day went and what time he should expect me at his house. My finger hovers over the button to accept the call when the sound of the television in my living room catches my attention.

I walk into the living room and my eyes widen when I see Parker lying on the couch under a blanket and surrounded by mountains of pillows. He’s wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with his hood pulled up over his head making him look younger than usual. Almost like a teenager that’s home from school because he’s sick with the flu. Snacks and drinks cover the coffee table and I wonder if his mother has already made a trip to the store for him. I look from the television to him and back again in shock that he’d flown back without even telling me that he’d been discharged.

“You’re here?” It’s a statement but I know it comes out more like a question as my eyes blink several times.Am I hallucinating?

“Nice to see you too, dear,” he jokes before holding up the remote to mute the sound. “I got home about an hour ago, Mom went to the hotel.”

Wow, I’m shocked she didn’t insist on staying here.

“She didn’t want to step on your toes by staying here.” He rolls his eyes and I frown like I’m the difficult one.

“She wouldn’t be.”

“Oh, come on, Whit, she knows you don’t like her.”

“What! She doesn’t like me. I… have no problems except for the fact that she hates me and wishes you were with your ex-girlfriend and I even try to be cordial in spite of that!” I shake my head, not wanting to go down the road of his motheragainwhen there are bigger things here. “But that is not the point here. You’re home? I mean… why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I could have picked you up from the airport or…”Not made plans to meet up with Jacob.

He shrugs as if not knowing my injured fiancé was flying home today after being in the hospital the last few days was not a big deal. “I knew you had class and a lot on your plate today.” He drags a hand through his brown hair. “I thought you’d be happier to see me to be honest. Are you going to kiss me or what?”


I give him a weak smile and make my way over to the couch prepared to give him a short kiss. Guilt flashes through me and I feel lightheaded at the thought of kissing someone else after the last few days with Jacob,even if that person is my fiancé.

Wait. I should just… do this now.I drop to the love seat and stare at Parker. He wasn’t a bad person. He’d been kind to me and while I didn’t feel the same things that I felt with Jacob, I had cared for him. You never expect the person you meet after the relationship that breaks you to compare. Nothing could have compared to Jacob. No one could measure up. He’d set the bar so high leaving impossible shoes to fill.

I let out a sigh and I shake my head wholly unprepared for this conversation but knowing I had to have it.Where the fuck do I even start? I’ve never broken up with anyone before. It’s not you, it’s me? That’s a lie, it’s definitely you. You’re not Jacob Maxwell Price.

“Parker, I think you are a really wonderful man.”

Tears prickle in my eyes and I can feel them building in my throat.Fuck, I thought this would be easier.I can hear my phone vibrating in the distance. I’d left my purse on the wooden credenza at the entrance to the living room and now I’m sure Jacob is calling me again after I missed his first call.

“But I’m not being honest with myself or with you.”

He frowns and I can feel his eyes on me as I stare at my hand and the ring sitting on my left hand.

“I said yes because you were sweet and loved me and we’d been together a reasonable amount of time and that’s what you do when the man you’re living with asks you to marry him, right? You say yes.” I pull my gaze away from my hand and up to the man who’s staring at me with a look of horror. “But that’s not enough for a marriage, Parker. That’s not enough for a life together.”

“What are you talking about, Whitney? Wehavea life together. We love each other.” His brown eyes narrow and I can’t remember them ever looking so cold. I don’t respond, trying to allow Parker to draw the conclusions without me having to explicitly say them but that’s not fair.

“I haven’t been fair to you, Parker.” The words are on the tip of my tongue when his face morphs into what I assume to be realization and he speaks them for me.
