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No more secrets.

Ichuckle at the text message Whitney sent me about bringing up the whole bottle of wine as I make my way out my front door to grab her things. I open the back seat to Whitney’s car when headlights pull into my driveway and begin making their way up toward me.Who the fuck?I squint my eyes but it’s dark and their headlights are making it hard for me to tell who it is. The truck gets closer and my eyes widen when I realize it’s Kevin.As in the father of the wet, naked woman in my bathtub who also happens to be my goddaughter.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“Hey, hey,” Kevin says as he gets out of the car with a six-pack in his hand and I realize this is just a social visit. It wasn’t unheard of for either of us to just show up at each other’s house unannounced but it was usually me showing up at his. “Michelle is at her sister’s and I was bored as fuck. I assumed your ass was home.” He explains as he notices the car that is definitely not mine. “New car?” He takes a few steps closer and I can see that he’s taking a closer look at the unfamiliar vehicle parked in my driveway. His eyes narrow when he takes in more about the car, looking at the license plate and more importantly the holder around it from Whitney’s alma mater. “Wait what? Whitney is here?”

It’s not that strange that she’d be here. It’s innocent. Nothing out of the ordinary.I suppose now would be a good time to tell him, but I want it to be on my terms and not because we’re caught.

Tell him. Do it now.

“Is she okay?” he asks before I can reply and then he’s moving into the house past me.

“Yes. Well… Kevin…” He turns to look at me, his face angry and worried and confused and I pussy out. “She broke up with Parker.”

His eyebrows shoot up to his hairline and his mouth drops open in shock. “Shut the fuck up. She did not.” I nod. “Why? What? I didn’t realize you guys were still that close that she’d tellyoubefore Michelle.” We are in my house now so he pulls me out of the foyer and into the living room. “Where is she?” he whispers, his eyes concerned about why his daughter would be here.

“She wasn’t sure where to go, she knew Michelle would have a million questions and Chloe is still attached to my brother’s dick. She just needed a second of peace before she started telling people.” The lie falls out of my mouth easily. “She just wanted to get herself together.”

A flash of anger crosses his face. “What did that little prick do to her?”

“Nothing, to my knowledge. I think she realized he just wasn’t the one.” I shrug.And I fucking am.

He nods. “Where is she?” he repeats.

“I think she’s taking a bath. She was so worked up when she got here. She wanted to relax.” I pick up the phone preparing to call her in front of Kevin so I can tell her that we have an unexpected visitor. I also didn’t want her to yell for me in a way that wasnotappropriate to do in front of her father.

“When are you coming up to join me?” she asks as soon as I answer the phone and I’m so glad I have the foresight to turn the volume all the way down.

“Hey, come down when you’re done, your dad just got here,” I say nonchalantly and not like she was enticing me to come upstairs and fuck her in my Jacuzzi bathtub.

“That’s not funny,” she responds.

I force a laugh. “Yeah, you know how he gets when your mom goes out. Can’t fend for himself.”

She gasps. “You’re serious.”

“Yep. Say hi.” I put her on speakerphone and Kevin speaks up.

“Whit, hi hon, you okay? Jacob said you broke up with Parker? I can’t say I’m super upset about it but areyouokay?”

“Umm yeah… I mean, I don’t know…” She’s silent and I know she’s probably in a little bit of shock that suddenly her father is here and thereby she will not be getting fucked any time soon. “I need to somehow get the rest of my things. Can you help me with that?”

I try to hide the frown crossing my face that she didn’t ask me to help her with that, but I guess she’s trying to keep him distracted so he doesn’t ask her any questions about why she’d come here instead of to him and her mother. “Of course, honey. Just come down when you’re done and we can talk. Whitney, did he do something?”

“No, no, this was me. I just realized he wasn’t the one for me. I’ll be down in a little,” she says and Kevin looks at me.

“She just up and decided this? A week ago, she was talking to Michelle about the venue and now she’s calling off the engagement. Do you think something happened?”

“I don’t know, Kev… she literally just got here.” He moves into the living room and sits on my sectional L-shaped couch, placing the beers on the coffee table and popping one open before taking a long sip.Part of me wants to tell him about his infidelity. That he’d cheated on her and she never got over it but I know that’s not my story to tell even if it does piss me the fuck off. I hadn’t looked at another woman in the three years we’ve been apart because she still consumed me on the deepest levels and he fucked some other woman under the guise that he can’t handle his liquor?

Not why she broke up with him though.

“This is strange as fuck and seems just so out of character for her. I wonder if Michelle knows.”

“I don’t think so and I know you can’t do or say or think anything without telling her but can you just please keep this to yourself for now. Just give Whitney a second, man.” I know I’m coming off a little aggressive about it but I can already see Kevin texting Michelle and then her showing up and that is not at all what Whitney needs right now when she’s already overwhelmed.

“I’m not going to tell her, sheesh.” He chuckles before shaking his head and picking up the remote and turning on the television. “I can’t believe she broke up with him. I mean, I guess I can and now that it’s over, I can be less diplomatic. He was the fuckin’ worst.” He leans back and props a foot up on my coffee table and I hate that he’s getting comfortable which means it’s going to be impossible to get rid of him.
