Page 47 of Keep Her Safe

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Is all of this about Paxton? Am I just her rebound?

We come from two different worlds and even though I’d burn mine to the ground for her, I couldn’t ask her to do the same.

But I would. I would crawl to her through the wreckage if only she asked.

I want to believe what happened today was an accident. I want to be absolutely sure that there is no connection between the ominous letters she’s been getting and what happened earlier. It seems like the obvious conclusion is that it wouldn’t be because the person in the letters seems like he or she is obsessed with her. But, they could become angry over the fact that she won’t be with them and it becomes a situation ofif I can’t have you no one can.Right now, I’m not discounting anything until I have proof, which means right now, I trust fucking no one that hasn’t been thoroughly vetted by me.

The sounds of her phone ringing and my phone pinging breaks me out of my thoughts alerting me that someone has just gotten through her front gate and is on the property.

Fuck. Who’s here?

I expect it to be Veronica, but Shay made it seem like we still had a few hours before she showed up and Shay has only been asleep for about an hour. She stirs, wiping her eyes, and groans, probably from a new pain or stiffness she hadn’t felt before she went to sleep. She blindly reaches for her phone just as I reach for mine and my blood runs cold when I see what car and more specificallywhois coming up the driveway.

She groans as I’m sure that person is calling her. “What, Paxton?” I’m off the bed instantly and Shay moves to look at me. I can tell she’s about to tell me not to move when her eyes widen and she sits up wincing from doing it too quickly. “What the fuck, why?” She rolls her eyes as I pull on my shirt and sweatpants. “I’m fine. You can’t just show up at my house whenever you feel like it, Paxton.” She points at her bottom half and I go to her closet to grab her a pair of joggers which earns a smile from her. “Because we’re not together!” she shrieks as she pulls her pants up and reaches for her discarded bra to put on under my shirt. She looks down at herself realizing what she’s wearing and pulls off my shirt to replace it with one of her own.

The sound of the doorbell chimes and I get an alert that he’s tried the code. I scoff at the audacity of this asshole.

“I’m coming. Did you honestly think you could just walk into my house?” she says when I show her the alert on my phone of one failed attempt to enter. She hangs up and we both make our way out of the bedroom and down the hall.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be around while I talk to him. Do you want to just wait here?”

I eye her warily because not only does the thought of not having her in my sight cause a wave of uneasiness, but a twinge of jealousy is creeping into my senses at what her ex-boyfriend might say to her.

“Damian,” she looks up at me with those big brown eyes and flutters her eyelashes, “don’t be jealous. You have no reason to be.”

“I’ll wait downstairs. It’s not so strange that I would be in the house with you after what happened. Especially if you’re here alone.” She nods and makes her way down the stairs. I move out of sight but still close enough that I can hear what he says and be close if she needs me.

“Yes?” Her voice is laced with irritation as she opens the door.

He lets out a sigh. “Jesus, Shay, are you okay? I heard what happened and I freaked the fuck out. Can I do anything for you?” I hear the sound of the door shutting.

Great, so he’s staying.

“No, I’m okay.”

“You shouldn’t be here by yourself, you’re even limping a little.”

“I hurt my back and my ankle is a little swollen, but it’s okay. I’m fine. Ice and heat. I’m not here alone. Damian is here.”

There’s a pause. “He’s here? Like in the house?”

Sure am. Don’t make me have to prove it, asshole.

“Yes. He was worried about leaving me alone.”

“Well, he could go and I could stay with you?”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I’ve been your boyfriend for three years and I’m worried about you? The woman I love almost got seriously hurt? Take your pick?”

“Paxton, I appreciate the concern, however, I’m no longeryourconcern. I’m fine and I don’t feel comfortable having you here. Besides, Veronica is coming over soon and she might actually murder you if she sees you.”

“I can handle Veronica.” He chuckles and I can hear them getting closer which means they must be walking towards the kitchen.

“Paxton, we aren’t together. The sooner you accept that, the easier it’ll be for all of us.” I raise an eyebrow, wondering if I’m included in this “all” she speaks of.

“It doesn’t matter if we’re together. I still want to be here for you.”
