Page 53 of Keep Her Safe

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Moments later, we’re heading out of the conference room, Cooper talking a mile a minute about my first press tour for the show, but I’m not paying attention. I’m working on a social media post. “Hold on a second, let me give you something,” he says, breaking me out of my train of thought of wishing Paxton well in everything he does in the future. I look up to see he’s talking to Damian who’s seated in his usual spot on the couch, leaning back with one finger resting above his top lip and his jaw tight. His eyes avoid me and more importantly, my legs that are still on display.

“What?” I look up at Cooper as he hands Damian a file and I look back and forth between them as I reach for the folder. Damian holds it out of reach and I frown.

“More?” Damian asks, and he looks worried about whatever there’s potentiallymoreof.

“What is that?” I ask. Damian and Cooper share a look and I look back and forth between them. “Okay, someone start talking.” My voice is laced with irritation.

“It’s just—” Cooper starts when Damian cuts him off.

“No.” Damian gives him a look that I know means not to test him. His posture tenses and his sharp jaw is taut. All I want to do is climb into his arms and pepper kisses along it until he relaxes.After he tells me what the hell is going on.

“She has a right to know,” Cooper says.

“KNOW WHAT?” I stomp and Damian turns his attention to me, raising an eyebrow like he’s not going to entertain my outburst.Yeah, we’ll see.

“I’ll tell her.”

“Tell me what?” I ask as soon as we’re in the car alone. I’m seated in the back,again,as he drives us to my house.

“There’s just been…some letters.”

I roll my eyes, knowing what he means. “That’s all? I always get letters.” His eyes find mine in the rearview mirror.

“These are different.”

“How so?”

“They knew about you and Paxton before this leaked. Said that they knew he wasn’t good for you and now that you’re over you two can be together. They’re also typed, not handwritten, which is not what we’re used to seeing. It may be nothing but there have been a few and all within the past week or so, I just want to be careful.”

I lean forward between the two front seats. “You’re so tense.” I rub my hand down his arm gently and squeeze his bicep, feeling his muscle through his button-down shirt and suit jacket. “Is there anything I can do to fix that?”

He side-eyes me and doesn’t even crack a smile. “Put your seatbelt on.”

I ignore him and move forward, sliding my hand to his thigh and moving towards his dick. He grabs it instantly, preventing me from going further. “Shay. There could be anyone taking pictures from the front. Yes, your side and back windows are tinted but if anyone is in front of us they could see.”

“So? In case you haven’t been paying attention, I’m a free agent. I don’t have a boyfriend, and I’m not suggesting I fuck you while you’re driving. No one would be able to tell what I’m doing.”

He loosens his grip but still holds it in place against his leg. He drags his thumb over my knuckles gently and tingles shoot through me.God, I want him.And not just sexually but in the ways that make those gentle touches mean something. I don’t know how much time has passed as I stare at him with almost a dream-like expression when we pull to a stop in front of my gate. I frown when I realize he’s not typing in the code to let us onto my property but unbuckling his seatbelt.

“Stay here.” He commands and then he’s out of the car and jogging to the gate. I try to sit up to see what he’s picking up, which seems to be a large envelope taped to my gate. He opens it immediately, staring down at it with a look of worry and anger. Curiosity gets the best of me so I hop out of the car and start making my way towards him. “What part of stay in the car didn’t you understand?” he barks at me. Long gone is the gentle boyfriend who’d just been caressing my hand and in his place is my bossy bodyguard who is less than pleased that I didn’t listen to his order.

“All of it. What is that?” I nod towards what’s in his hands.

“Get back in the car.”

I put my hands on my hips and glare at him. “No, don’t leave me in the dark, Damian.”

“Shay…” His eyes scan our surroundings before he ushers me back and into the car against my protests and gets into the driver’s seat. He doesn’t say anything for the entire drive to my house and then he’s pulling me out of the car and dragging me to his guesthouse.

He slams the door behind him and tosses the file on the table. I’m just about to ask him again what’s going on when his lips crash on mine. He backs me up against the wall, caging me in with one hand behind my back, lifting me into his arms forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. His hand slides under my ass to hold me up, while one hand is against the wall. “You have to fucking listen to me, Shay,” he says between kisses as his tongue licks its way into my mouth. “If I tell you to do something, it’s for your safety.” He pulls away and stares up at me.

“But you weren’t telling me anything. Since we left Cooper’s office, you’ve told me nothing and you’re freaking me out a little.”

“Not everything is for you to know right away. I don’t want you to be scared, baby. Don’t you trust me to protect you?”

“Yes,” I answer instantly.

“That means, sometimes you’re on a need-to-know basis. And I’m certainly not going to let you look at something I haven’t read over first.” He gently rubs his nose against mine and then down my cheek and into the crook of my neck. I moan when his tongue darts out to lick the flesh and I tighten my hold around his neck. “Some of the things I’ve seen…letters you’ve gotten, I wouldn’t want in your head. Not everything is for you to see firsthand.”
