Page 65 of Keep Her Safe

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“Do you love him?” he asks.

Yes, but I haven’t even told him that. You’re certainly not going to hear it first.“I don’t think that’s your business.”

“Shay.” He cocks his head to the side. “I care about you and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“What gives you the impression that Damian would hurt me?”

He sighs. “I just know how easy it is to get caught up in the high of someone being all about you. His life revolves around you and it’s fun being up on that pedestal until it’s not.” He gives me a look like he knows a thing or two about it. I know some things about his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, mainly that she wasn’t in the limelight which means it’s very possible she was obsessed with Jeremy.


“And after Paxton’s betrayal, it might be easy for you to feel like you’re falling in love with someone who seems to be all about you,” he adds.

“I have a shrink, Jeremy, thanks.”

“Have you talked to them about this?” he responds immediately and I think I’m officially over what seems to be turning into a lecture.

“No, I’ve been too busy having mind-numbing orgasms to talk to my shrink about it,” I snap. Damian’s theory that Jeremy has feelings for me hits me like a train and I wonder if maybe I shouldn’t have discounted his feelings so quickly because this feels intense and weird and not at all like our usual friendship. We always supported each other and now it feels…off.

Jeremy rubs his hands on his thighs and stands up nodding at me. “Okay, Shay. You’re like a sister to me and I worry about you. That’s all this is.”

“Fine.” I cross my arms not looking at him.

“Are we good?”

“Sure,” I say, still avoiding his gaze and he lets out a sigh before he leaves the room.

“What the fuck?” I look at Veronica, my eyes angry and my tone even angrier. I ignore Derek who’s still eating because as far as I’m concerned right now, they’re a packaged deal and he’s equally to blame.

“I’m sorry.”

“What was this, an intervention? An ambush? This is bullshit, V. You are my best friend. Why didn’t you come to me if you felt some type of way?”

“I…” She lets out a breath. “I didn’t realize it until Jeremy brought it up. He said things were weird at the club and Damian was being really intense about you all night and I was drunk and I took his word for it.”

“He wasn’t! We were horny—actually scratch that, namelyIwas horny because I was drunk and he was sober but we fucked in the bathroom and Jeremy caught us. Big deal!”

“Okay!” she exclaims. “I didn’t know that at the time. I only knew anything because Jeremy told me!”

“Of course, he did. What the fuck is up with him?” I look at Derek, and he freezes, mid chewing, and looks at me confused.

“I don’t know,” he says, his mouth full of food. He swallows and clears his throat. “He’s always had a soft spot for you.”

“He’s acting like it’s more than that and it’s freaking me out.”

He shakes his head. “No. I’ve asked him numerous times if he has feelings for you. While we’re drunk. High. You name it. He’s always said no and I know when that asshole is lying. I think he’s just genuinely concerned.”

“Well, I’m grown and I can take care of myself.” I blink at both of them. “Got it?”

The rest of the day on set was awful. Everyone could see that I was off and not my usual self. The chemistry between Jeremy and me was severely lacking and it showed. It finally got to the point that Lucas, the director, decided to call it quits early for the day because none of the scenes we were shooting were anything we could use.

It’s the first time I’ve left the set feeling like I didn’t give it my best, but I am still annoyed with the events of the day. I slide into the car and slump into the back seat as Damian gets into the front, and I can feel his gaze on me in the mirror.

“Want to talk about it?”

I’m staring out the window, with my chin resting on my fist when I slowly shift my gaze towards him. “Talk about what?” I ask and I hate the attitude in my voice. I hate that Damian is getting the brunt of my anger when he’s done nothing but love me.Wait.“Do you love me?”

“What?” He turns around in his seat to look at me and his eyes are wide. He even looks a little scared if I’m being honest.
