Page 66 of Keep Her Safe

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“Do you love me? Yes or no,” I snap, my tone angrier than before.

He turns around and pulls off the lot and into traffic, shifting his gaze to the mirror to look at me. “So, you’re mad at me? Is that what’s happening here?”

“No, I’m just curious. We’ve been dancing around it and I’m just curious where we stand.”

“Seems like a combative way to ask this question, but okay.” I hear the sarcasm in his voice that’s masking a layer of hurt. “Can we talk when we’re at your house? And I’m not driving?”

I nod, feeling like shit for springing this on him because I’m feeling annoyed with my friends and maybe slightly insecure. He hasn’t isolated me. I’ve wanted to be alone with him as much as he has. If anything, his reasoning has been more for safety whereas mine has been because I want to be alone with him. He’d have no problem if I wanted to invite my friends over.

Fifteen minutes and a mind of racing thoughts later, he’s pulling up to my house. “Mine or yours?” he asks.

We’d been staying in his guesthouse for a while because it’s a smaller space and easier for him to sweep quickly. Now that he’s changed all the codes again, he’s less anxious about letting me into my house but I know it still makes him wary.

“Yours,” I say and he’s out of the car instantly to open my door and help me out. He guides me towards his door and unlocks it, pushing me through.

“Did I do something?” he asks me the second he closes the door behind us. “We were fine this morning and now you’re pissed at me; for what exactly?”

“I’m not pissed and I’m sorry for how I chose to phrase it but I don’t know how you feel about me because you haven’t told me.”

“I thought even though I haven’t said it, you knew where I stand. It’s early and I didn’t want to rush us by sayingthingstoo soon. But I thought you knew.” He backs me against the wall and puts an arm up on either side of me. “I thought you could feel it when I looked at you or when we’re having sex.” He takes an arm off the wall and rests it against my chest. “I thought you felt it here.”

“Damian.” His words warm me all over and it makes me angry all over again at my friends who don’t understand. “I love you,” I blurt out, not wanting to wait another second to tell him the words that I’ve been feeling for far longer than I care to admit. His eyes light up like he can’t believe I said it and a smile ghosts over his lips, but a frown finds his face just as fast.

“Are you angry with me? Just tell me what I did, baby.” His words are quiet and soft and I don’t know what on Earth I did to deserve a man like this. A man that treats me this way when I definitely don’t deserve it.

“No,” I whisper. “I’m sorry about earlier. Do you forgive me?”

He nods. “Can you tell me what that was about?”

“I will. Just…not now.”

His hands find my cheeks, stroking the skin beneath my eyes. “I won’t push you, but I hope you know you can tell me anything. I’m always here for you, baby.”

How is he so perfect?

Tell me you love me too,I beg him with my eyes.

“I love you.” I feel his words in my heart and it begins to accelerate as excitement courses through me hearing those words fall from his lips. “Is that what you want to hear?” A smile finds my lips as he leans down and drags his mouth slowly across mine. “That I am so in love with you that it consumes me?” He presses his body against mine, lowering himself to press his knee between my legs and against my mound. “Thatyouconsume me?” I grind down against him, my body buzzing both from his words and the stimulation on my pussy.

He presses his mouth to mine and feeds me his tongue, licking his way into my mouth, making my knees weak. He knows how to kiss in a way that makes everything fade away around me. I’ve never been kissed in such a way that makes my whole body buzz with excitement. Kissing Paxton always felt rushed, like something he felt like he had to do before we moved onto other things. A means to an end. Damian kisses me like he could do it forever. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him to me and he lifts me with one hand. I gasp at how strong he is as I wrap my legs around his waist.

He carries me to his bedroom, one hand under my butt and one tangling in my hair before he drops me on the bed and presses his body into mine. He grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it over my head leaving me in only red panties as I’m not wearing a bra and his lips immediately go to one of my nipples. His hand finds the other and rolls it between his thumb and index finger as he rolls my other around his tongue. He bites down gently, and it feels like a lightning bolt to my clit. I instantly feel myself getting wet between my legs.

“Damian.” I let out a sigh and he growls in response.

“Say it again.”


“My name.” He peppers kisses up my chest and neck to my mouth.

“Damian,” I repeat. “I want you,there.” I shiver, thinking about him in a place no one has been.

“You do, huh?” His tongue darts out to lick my pulse point, along my collarbone, and back down my chest. “You want my dick in your sexy little ass?” He reaches underneath me and cups my butt. He digs his nails into my bare flesh before snapping the strap of my thong.

I mewl, trying to get closer to him and wrap all of myself around him like ivy. “Yes yes yes please,” I beg. “I need it.”

A groan leaves his lips. “You don’t know what it does to me hearing you say you need me.” He pulls back, dragging my panties down my legs and tossing them to the floor. He gets off the bed and pulls off his jacket and begins to unbutton my shirt at a speed so slow I think he’s teasing me. He drops his shirt to the floor, putting his tattoo covered torso on display for me, and I clench at how sexy he is. I drag my eyes over every hard ridge and plane of his body, counting the abseight of them, and trace the firm and cut lines of the V pointing to his dick. He unbuttons his slacks and sends his briefs to the floor with them and I’m immediately moving towards him when he takes a step back, shaking his head.
