Page 14 of A Howl in One

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He had a feeling that statement would be answered with words not as sweet. Eliana would likely get angry and tell him that wasn’t happening. She wouldn’t accept that as the answer to their problems.

It might be what happens, and you won’t really have a say in it. If we don’t find someone half-decent, we’re screwed.

He glanced at her, seeing the way she clutched onto the steering wheel. She kept her sharp eyes on the road, and her lips were pressed into a straight line.

He had the urge to taste them. He wanted to know what they felt like against his. He quickly shook his head, clearing those thoughts.

He needed to focus on the task at hand. Finding an alpha so he could go home.

Just then, he remembered something. Gerri was known for finding mates for people. She had brought him to the island. Was he supposed to be the answer to all of this? Did Gerri expect him to just drop everything and run into Eliana’s hands and tell her he would take over?

She couldn’t possibly have thought I was the answer to Eliana’s problem, could she? There is no way.

He could almost laugh at the idea. It was never going to happen. Even if she was his mate.

He was an alpha which meant he had to put his pack above everything else. He felt pity for this pack, but he wasn’t the answer. Besides, he cared deeply for his people, and he couldn’t just move away. He had invested time and his livelihood into his pack. That meant something to him.

“The next stop is the lion pride’s alpha couple. They were close friends with my uncle.”

He looked at Eliana, seeing the way her eyes were still stuck on the road. She was focused and determined. He sensed her strong love for her people, and likely the idea of leaving wasn’t strong. He nodded and glanced at his phone.

He messaged his brother checking in with how everything was going. His brother said things were running smoothly and to enjoy his time away. He was trying to, but it was hard. He had an internal struggle to mate with Eliana and help the pack. However, he couldn’t be the answer to their problems.

While he was there now, he was only to guide. And so far, there was no one fitting for the role.

“Sounds good,” he muttered, swiping his phone screen off. “What can you tell me about them?”

She shrugged. “It’s Lio and Lorissa. They have been married for over twenty years and have two sons. They are pretty down-to-earth and caring people. To be honest, he was probably my uncle’s closest and most reliable friend.”

He watched a shadow cross her face, and he noted the hurt behind her eyes. It had only been a short time since her uncle had died. The wound was still fresh. He couldn’t imagine trying to put his life together after such a loss. And for her to hold her head high and try to figure things out proved to him she was strong.

She’s certainly worth someone loving her. She deserves someone to take care of her.

“I’m sorry about your loss,” he said, knowing he’d said it before. He had said it several times.

She gave him a side glance before returning her eyes to the road. The words just rolled over her. She’d heard it plenty of times over the past few weeks.

He knew people said it, and most did mean it. But he also knew that when you heard it so many times, it lost its meaning.

“I know you’ve heard it a lot, but I really am sorry. I imagine this is extra hard for you considering …”

She frowned. “You mean, considering my father is dead, and now my uncle is.”


She inhaled and rolled her shoulders. She licked her lips. “Thank you, but that’s a little insulting. Are you saying having no male role model will change me?”

“I wasn’t trying to be insulting. I’m just saying I understand how hard this is. Being a leader is a large weight, and you’re trying to take it on. You should feel good about yourself because most people would crack under the pressure.”

She looked at him, a little surprised. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. He looked back at his phone.

He had the urge to do something. He wanted to hug her and hold her against him. He wanted to tell her he could fix everything. He also knew it was the bond talking.

“Sorry. I don’t mean to snip. I just hear it so much, and I feel that everyone is waiting for me to snap. I just need to find the next alpha so my life can somewhat return to normal.” She frowned. “Not that it ever will now that my uncle is gone.”

They pulled up to a large house, and she hopped out before he could respond. He sighed, pulling himself out.

The wind blew through the palms, and he watched as the door opened and a woman stepped out. She was probably in her mid-fifties, and her eyes dropped to Eliana. Her blonde hair had started to gray, and she gave her a sad smile.
