Page 3 of A Howl in One

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“I’m not sure if you know much about what I do.” Gerri’s voice broke into Eliana’s thoughts. “But I have made quite a few connections, mostly in the shifter communities. I might know of an experienced alpha who would be able to come and help guide your pack in the right direction.”

Eliana felt skeptical about this idea. An outsider and an alpha?

“Not to worry, dear. He has his own pack to lead. However, he could help encourage some of the pups who are capable of stepping into the spotlight. Sometimes, all a shifter needs is a little encouragement from the right alpha to get the pep into his step.”

“I guess that sounds like a good idea.” Eliana thought she saw Gerri’s eyes flicker gold for just a moment. “What kinds of things could we expect from such a visit?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe he could call rallies, hold interviews to see who has the best qualities for leadership, and maybe just give advice. I cannot pretend to know what goes through an alpha’s head.” Gerri winked at Eliana.

Eliana smiled in return. She was surprised at how much sense this made. Maybe that was just what they needed. A strong example and role model, someone to give direction in her uncle’s absence. As it was, they were currently less of a pack and more of a herd, everyone unsure of which direction to go.

Gerri’s advice seemed as sound as anything Eliana had thought of herself. She couldn’t lead the pack forever, that was certain. But if she could make one decision in her temporary role that would help the pack, she believed this would be the right one.

“Ms. Wilder, I think that your suggestion sounds very helpful. I would really appreciate the assistance. Did you have a particular alpha in mind?”

Gerri’s lips had this funny way of curling into a mischievous grin, and it made Eliana wonder for a moment just what other motives Gerri might hide behind this choice.She’s just trying to help you. Stop being silly,Eliana quickly rebuked herself.

“Oh, yes. I think I know just the gentleman to come and help you. And it would be my pleasure, of course, to connect you two. I will contact him immediately.”

“Well, I really do appreciate it, Ms. Wilder. Thank you so much for your help.”

Eliana shook Gerri’s hand firmly to confirm the acceptance.

“Oh, and thank you, Eliana, for this delicious Danish. It’s absolutely to die for,” Gerri added with a wink.

Surprised by this compliment, Eliana’s tension gave way to nervous laughter. How had she gone from discussing the future of the wolf pack to chatting about pastries? The ridiculousness of her life, as complicated as it was at this moment, astounded her.

The last ten days had been some of the most exhausting she had ever experienced, and she was definitely in need of good company and strong character. Gerri fit the bill, and she hoped this alpha would, also.



“It’s the alpha.”

Lucas Doyle had made it one full step inside city hall, arriving early enough that he expected to be able to slip quietly through to his office when the first person spotted him. He fought to not curve his mouth down into a deep frown, already expecting the interruptions that were coming.

“What is he doing here?”

Usually, he worked from home, but today, he decided to go into his office after his brother had shot him a text yesterday morning.Hope you’re doing okay,it had read.Haven’t seen you in a while.

He felt a pang of guilt, knowing his brother had missed him. But there were only so many hours in a day and not many to spend with family. His job was the most important in the city, sometimes even ranked above the mayor.

“Good morning, Alpha!” a few dared to try, and he nodded without turning in their direction.

His chiseled face remained set in stone. His neatly trimmed hair reflected the way he liked the world around him: well-organized and untroubled. His demeanor said, ‘don’t talk to me,’ but that didn’t usually stop anyone. At least, not as often as he would like.

Lucas was the very image of an alpha. He walked, talked, and looked like he was superior to the rest of the pack. The pack naturally deferred to him, even his own brother. Lucas’s tall, muscular body sent out the unspoken dare: mess around and see.

And still, everyone wanted an audience with the alpha.

“Shut up. You can’t call him that here.”

According to official government documents, his job title was Chief Administration Officer. Some favored the less complicated City Manager. Whatever he was called, every shifter in the area knew he was the alpha. He took care of everything from financial work to Human Resources.

“Morning,” he rumbled deeply to the general vicinity, hoping it was enough to placate them.

Despite the clamoring for his attention, there were other whispers running around the room. It was as if they wanted him to hear them … or they didn’t realize the strength of his wolf to be able to pick up a singular word across a crowded room.
