Page 39 of A Howl in One

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The clapping of flesh against flesh echoed in the tiny room, the calls of the world beyond seeping through the window with crashes of waves and bird songs. Lucas wondered if anyone could hear their aggressive bucking against one another, their animal-like moans and groans that hid nothing from the other.

Lucas was getting closer to exploding when Eliana turned her head to face him.

“Come for me, baby,” she snarled.

Lucas nearly lost it, but he wanted her to feel the height of rapture before he did. It was vital because she was the focus of his desire; he wanted her to shoot through space with the fulfillment he had gladly given her.

“Only if you do,” he grunted back.

Eliana stared deep into his soul as she fell apart in the most gorgeous way. Her breath rapidly rocked against his fists that gripped her breasts, beads of sweating trailing in delicious drops down the valley of her ribcage. Lucas stayed locked to her as he ramped up the pace until her body couldn’t wait anymore.

She cried out his name again, such a sweet and delicious sound. She smacked her ass against his cock and breathed in with a sharp grit.

“Oh, Lucas,” she moaned, her face crumbling against his shoulder.

Lucas lost himself easily, her pussy squeezing hard enough to push him over the edge. He growled into her just as he had the night before, swallowing her fragrance, wishing he could somehow swallow her whole for eternity.

They rocked against each other as the waves crashed into the shore. Their bodies were coated in a sheen of sweat, their muscles relieved and relaxed from the strained force of their curled position against one another. Eliana’s hands were limp against his head, her entire body softening as their breathing deepened and slowed.

The rising sun spilled haplessly through the center of the curtain, the glow evolving into the hot shade of a magnificent rose.

It ran over Eliana’s body in a soft light. It made Lucas think of a painting where a heavenly woman lounged casually in her natural state. There were many similar art pieces that he had seen, but they all paled in comparison to the woman in his arms.

Both of their grips loosened as they dozed once more, the obligations of their separate lives faded and forgotten. Lucas’s head fell to the pillow as Eliana lay against his chest, his arms curling around her belly and waist in a loving gesture.

He didn’t want to think about the future. What would come after they got up, dressed, and returned to their normal lives? A part of him wished he’d never been called here, but that was the Lucas who had left the party early and wandered the beach at dusk.

Eliana had been right; it was better to be haunted by what you had tried rather than something you had run from.

None of this lingered in Lucas’s mind as they slept off the dreamy ecstasy of their lovemaking. Dawn rapidly turned into day. The time in that bed seemed to stretch on forever.

Lucas told himself that he would do anything for her. It was a cold hard fact, just like his pack back home also had problems and needed him as soon as possible.

They both slept like rocks until the sun sat high in the sky. Eliana awakened first, stolen from him by the obligation toward the restaurant and her mother.

Lucas never wanted that morning to end.



Eliana woke just before noon, her body relaxed and riveted from the mind-blowing sex. She caught the bright light outside and jumped from the bed, panicked by her lateness.

A part of her was still floating, having made love to her fated mate multiple times within a twelve-hour period. But she was never late for work, and even though her mother had encouraged their courtship, she likely wouldn’t be happy.

She woke Lucas, who appeared lost in dreamland, still handsome with his disheveled hair. She had to stop to kiss him gently, telling him she had to get to the restaurant.

“You can have breakfast there if you’d like,” she whispered.

They dressed together in comfortable silence like they had done it a thousand times. The sunlight blinded Eliana as they moved into the heat, the temperature already causing blooms of sweat to rise on her forehead.

They rushed to the restaurant with Lucas still somehow looking cool and collected. Eliana, the clumsy one in the family, burst through the restaurant’s front door with Lucas trailing behind her.

The restaurant was bustling, the way it often was on a Saturday morning. Music blared through the speakers while cutlery rattled, and a handful of eyes turned toward them, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

It was a small island, and their establishment was exceedingly popular. Eliana tried to brush it off but felt her face blush, especially since one of the sets of eyes was Tao’s.

He didn’t look happy, nor did he look angry. It wasn’t really in his nature to be, but Eliana still wanted to approach him cautiously.
