Page 45 of A Howl in One

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“Ten, fifteen, I’m not sure. They gave me numbers, then stood at my door, threatening … everyone.”

The man looked away, shaking, and Tao motioned at Eliana. Eliana, who had been distant for the duration of the meeting so far, shook herself back into the present and escorted the man back into the kitchen.

As she passed Lucas, their eyes locked, but briefly. He felt her fear, her affection, and her grief all in one blended ball of emotion.

“There is no way we can know the real numbers just yet. There’s a likelihood that he could be exaggerating,” Tao said.

“But what if he isn’t?” another woman replied.

“We don’t have the numbers, Tao,” the loud man boomed again. “Even if we did, we’re not all exactly in fighting shape.”

Lucas expected another eruption of disapproval, but it never came. Instead, all the men who were present gazed down to the floor, nodding not in embarrassment or shame but in acceptance.

Lucas knew it was a cold hard fact. He had assessed them a few days before, and he knew it wouldn’t just be a numbers game where they would be outmatched. It would be the strength and capability game too.

“What about him?” another woman said, pointing at Lucas. “Why don’t we all leave the island and join his pack? Blend the families, ya know?”

Tao shot a look toward Lucas, who stood in shock but didn’t show it. It was the first time he had seen a glimmer of anything malevolent inside the man. It was brief but there.

Lucas didn’t mind the idea because then he could have Eliana. That was the only thing he could think about at the moment, and he wondered if that skewed any possibility of him helping the pack.

He raised his brows at Tao, giving him the permission to continue leading. No need to step on any more tails for the time being.

“That is an extreme option. We would have to completely uproot ourselves. That also would leave the other packs on the island exposed. We can’t do that to them.”

Tao was the most caring and reasonable politician type that Lucas had ever encountered. His people nodded, knowing he spoke the truth. The island was small, but there were a handful of packs who had been there since the beginning. Leaving them exposed and in danger would be cowardly.

Tao rubbed his face with both hands, looking exhausted. Eliana emerged from the kitchen, once more looking distracted and lost. She moved past Lucas, and it took everything within his power not to reach out and grab her wrist.

She was his anchor at the moment, and he wanted it to be forever. A stable home in his storm. She briefly flicked her eye at him, not wanting to expose to the entire pack that they had slept together. Though if these shifters were tapped into their intuition at all, it would be like a neon sign over their heads.

Eliana moved to stand next to Tao, obedient and loyal. She spoke for the first time, acting as a formidable leader herself.

Lucas felt himself swooning.

“Although a battle is seemingly inevitable, we should gather with the other packs and pride and inform them of Garth’s presence. We will suggest banding together for the sake of the island and all of our legacies as shifters.”

The pack clapped and cheered. She smiled at them, looking tired herself. Bria cheered, too, supporting her daughter all the way.

Eliana said that she had sent a message out to the alphas of the other packs, and they would meet in the restaurant later today. Bria then made her own announcement that coffee and meals would be on the ready for those missing work that day.

Lucas admired the two women, reminding him of his own pack. They had affection for one another, and despite their differences, they shared a single goal … keeping the pack alive and thriving.

And although it wasn’t flourishing at the moment, they all had hope for it in the future. That was noble and heartwarming.

Lucas played his part in helping Bria until the other packs came in. It only took a few hours for the alphas to arrive, along with a handful of their lead shifters.

Bria pursed her lips, giving Lucas a playful smile.

“I think we are going to need a bigger kitchen,” she remarked.

Eliana welcomed them all with her effortless grace.



She stood behind the counter, nervous. She had been trying to calm herself, but how could she with this new information?
