Page 47 of A Howl in One

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She looked at Tao. He placed his hands on the counter, clearing his throat. “We are asking you all to stand with us and make sure this island is still going to have someone at the helm who cares about it. We are asking you to fight.”

She noticed Abulo tense, and she frowned. “Abulo, what is wrong?”

Abulo looked like he was about to fall apart, and she didn’t understand it. He was more strong-headed than her uncle ever was.

Ullana looked at him with a worried look in her eyes. She looked back at Eliana. “Garth offered us money.”

Eliana gasped, looking at Lucas. Lucas frowned, his brows knitting together.

Abulo took Ullana’s hand. “Ullana had been diagnosed with breast cancer eight months ago. We’ve managed to shrink them, but the bills …” Abulo frowned. “We are drowning in debt.”

Ullana sighed, looking at her. “Your uncle was going to help us, but he died, and we never could bring it up to you and your family. And Garth offered us money.”

“Have you taken it?” Lucas asked, remaining calmer than she expected.

They both shook their heads. “If we do, we have to leave the island.”

Eliana’s eyes landed on Billy, who also looked uncomfortable.

“He sent me a threatening letter,” Billy admitted. “Stating that my pack is no longer welcome on the island and that if we don’t pack up, he will get rid of us. It’s not the first one I’ve received, but it was the most threatening.”

It sent a shockwave down her spine. But they didn’t stop.

Vinny spoke up. “Garth sent some men to our pack and beat up a few of our younger boys. They survived, but he told us to watch our backs. We’ve received letters as well.”

Lucas curled his hands into tight fists, and she bit hard onto her cheek. She didn’t know what to say.

She looked at Lio, waiting for him to say something, but Lorissa was the one who spoke. “He’s sent us threatening letters with photos of our boys overseas.”

She felt like a volcano about to erupt. Garth had threatened everyone. He not only killed her uncle, but he planned to hurt more. It enraged her, and her wolf fought to get out and reek hell on the world. “Isn’t that a reason to fight? To make sure that this man never hurts anybody else?” she asked angrily.

She looked at Abulo. “My uncle was going to find help for you, and if that is the case, that is what is going to happen. But don’t cower under the pressure. That’s what he wants. Garth wants to rip us apart.”

She looked at the others. “He threatened and hurt you all, knowing if even half of you gave up, he would win. But he won’t if we all stand together.”

Lucas nodded, agreeing with her. “He knows he doesn’t have a chance if we all stand together. And that is what we have to do.”

She looked around the room, seeing the shift in everyone’s eyes. She looked at Lio and Lorissa. “If he has pictures of the boys now, he will only continue to use them against you again. There is nothing stopping him from hurting your boys.”

She looked at Billy.

“The reason he wants you gone is because you are loyal to your pack, which means you are loyal to us.”

She looked at Abulo.

“You have the oldest pack on the island. He wants to rip that away from you.”

She looked at Vinny.

“He hurt your boys this time. What makes you think he won’t do it again? What’s stopping him from putting them in body bags to get what he wants?”

She took a deep breath and straightened her back.

“So please, stand by us. Fight with us to make sure we all can continue to live here. This is our island. Not his.”

She watched as heads started to nod around the room. The air shifted as everyone agreed. Lucas nodded with her and leaned forward on the counter.

“Good, then we need to start planning. We don’t have any more time to waste.”
