Page 5 of A Howl in One

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Lucas lifted a hand to cut her off. “That’s not possible,” he practically growled at her. She obviously didn’t understand how this worked.

Gerri patiently folded her hands in her lap and waited for him to finish his thought.

“Any time a pack has ever been left without a leader, it has been custom for the strongest to be weeded out by combat. I have never seen it done any other way,” he pointed out.

Gerri nodded before she elaborated. “I understand that. This pack is very small and broken. The candidates for alpha are few, and none have an interest in taking the leadership role. My thought was you might be able to awaken some potential in one of their young men, help them rise to the occasion.”

Lucas pondered this for a moment. He had never heard of such a strategy, and he wasn’t fully confident it would work. However, his curiosity was now piqued, and it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.

Or would it? Lucas was needed at home. This was his pack, his family, and they came first. In his perfectly controlled world, this favor Gerri requested wasn’t even something that would have crossed his radar. Was he stepping too far outside of his comfort zone and risking repercussions he hadn’t even considered yet?

But could he refuse a call for help? His moral code was at odds with his rational mind, causing a deep rift in his psyche. He looked at Gerri. Despite having her usual cool demeanor, she also had a hint of concern behind her eyes. He had never seen that before.

“I am not sure that it will work, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try to help out. I guess I am going to Hawaii.” He stood to fetch the brochure again.

Gerri jumped from the chair and seized his hand, shaking it violently. Her eyes were completely golden as she smiled from ear to ear. “Lucas, you are a top-notch alpha. You are going to be just what the Kauai wolf pack needs.”

Lucas relished the stroke of his ego for a moment before coming to his senses. “Do I get any more information on this trip, or am I taking that as a shot in the dark as well?”

Gerri let out a chuckle, releasing hold of him and gesturing to his computer. “No, no, I emailed you all of the details, the most important being the flight details. Check that over soon. Thank you for helping them out. This is a deep personal favor for me.”

“Happy to help, Gerri.”

“Oh, I must be off. Places to be.” Her normal demeanor and eye color had returned as quickly as it had gone. “Check your email. Thanks again. Ciao.”

Gerri was already outside the office before Lucas could get a hand up to wave. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. He wondered for a second if her spiel was just an act.

As the significance of his agreement began to sink in, he ran his hand over his well-trimmed beard and up the back of his neck. He plopped down into his chair and buzzed for his brother to come to see him.

He had not moved from his slumped position when his brother made his way into the room. In spite of himself, Vincent broke into a low chuckle at the sight. “You rang, bro?”

As if released from a trance, Lucas snapped up in his chair and stared hard at his brother. Lucas tried to pretend he wasn’t just collapsed in his chair, and Vincent tried his best to pretend he wasn’t just laughing at his brother and alpha.

At least it was only Vincent,his wolf laughed at him.

Vincent was a tough-looking young man, strong, brave, and loyal. Lucas could not have found a better second-in-command than his little brother. There would be a little bit of a shuffle in the responsibilities while Lucas was gone, but it shouldn’t be anything unbearable.

He was confident they could manage, especially with V at the helm. Lucas had absolute faith in his brother and was beyond proud of his accomplishments.

“V, I am taking a little vacation. Gerri Wilder is sending me to Hawaii for some golfing trip or something. She said I won a contest.”

“That’s awesome, bro. You are long overdue on a vacay. Hawaii is beautiful this time of year. You’ll have a blast.”

Lucas smiled in spite of himself. Vincent could be such a firm supporter. Lucas knew his brother believed that he needed the break even if Lucas didn’t agree.

“I will be trying to help out a local wolf pack over there as a personal favor to Gerri. I shouldn’t be gone long, but I will need you to step up for me while I am out of town.”

“Hey, no problem. I won’t let you down.”

“I know. Still, it’s good to hear it. I will let you know the details shortly. I imagine there will be little to no delay as their pack seems to be in desperate need. Please start thinking ahead, getting yourself ready.”

Vincent nodded stoically, but the way the corner of his mouth turned up betrayed his excitement. Before Vincent turned to leave, his resolve broke, and his face dissolved into a goofy smile.

“What’s up, V?” Lucas couldn’t resist asking even when something told him he would regret it.

“You know, if Gerri Wilder is involved, you might just run into your fated mate in Hawaii.”

“Oh, great. That’s the last thing I need.” Lucas rolled his eyes hard. Why hadn’t he thought of that?
