Page 27 of Bearly Taken

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He had done as she asked, a bedside table lamp blooming a dusky glow, and she lay there after removing what little clothing remained. She watched Noah undress, light trailing over his silky skin like a feather.

He was beautiful. She opened her arms, ready to finally vanquish all of the fear once and for all.

“Come to me.”

Noah did. He lay on top of her gently, their lips brushing as lightly as a dragonfly’s wing.

“I love you, Becca,” Noah whispered.

Becca gave in. It had all done the trick. He had won her over swiftly and heroically.

“I love you too, Noah.”

Their lovemaking was unhurried and tender. They climaxed at nearly the same moment, their open mouths, sharing the ghost of their woes and loneliness. She felt the power of the universe within her body, and she felt his, drumming in the pastel iridescence of the atmosphere.

They were stardust, that was all. And that was fine. It was all Becca had ever wanted.



He was sleeping deeply. He knew he had Becca curled in his arms, and the fan was blowing on them, forcing them to curl closer together for warmth. It was peaceful and perfect, and his bear was content.

But there was a buzzing sound that wouldn't stop. He grumbled, pulling his eyes open. He stared out the window, taking in the forest and the trees. He heard the buzz again, and this time Becca grumbled.

"Hmm …" she moaned in her sleep, pulling closer to him.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around, spotting his phone on the side table charging. The screen lit up as it started to buzz again.

He knew it wasn't his alarm because it wasn't the right sound, nor had he set one. So it was someone calling him.

He reached for it, feeling Becca pulling tighter against him. He wiggled himself loose and grabbed the phone. He tilted the screen toward him.

He first noticed the time. It was four in the morning. Too early to be calling unless someone was dying. His eyes also caught the name on the screen. It was Lev which meant it was serious. He needed to answer it.

He rubbed at his eyes, forcing his body to get moving. He didn't want to wake Becca, who was still sleeping deeply.

He wiggled himself free, pushing a pillow into her arms where he was. She pulled it close, sighing heavily as she did.

He exhaled, swiping the phone off the table and answering it. He whispered, "Hey."

"Why are you whispering?" Lev asked on the other end, and he rounded the bed. He moved toward the door pulling it open.

He slipped outside and slowly closed the door. He sighed. "Because I was still in the bedroom," he said in his usual tone. "And I didn't want to wake Becca. Why are you calling so fucking early in the morning?"

"Sleeping in the same bed, are you?" he asked with a hint of humor in his tone.

"Oh, stop. Why did you call? It's four in the morning."

He walked down the hallway, swiping the light on as he moved. He squinted under the brightness. He really needed coffee.

"I called to let you know that we caught the rogue bear."

He felt his shoulders relax as he stepped into the kitchen. That was good news. He could stop being in hiding now. Only Lev didn't sound happy but frustrated instead, which told Noah he was missing something. Something important.

"That's good, right?"

