Page 28 of Bearly Taken

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He frowned, flicking the kitchen light on. "Then why do you sound like someone shit in your breakfast, Lev? What don’t I know?"

He sighed on the other end. "The rogue bear gave us some information. You might want to sit down."

"I want to stick my hand through the phone line and punch you. Just tell me," he said, turning to the coffee maker. He flipped it on and watched the machine beep as it warmed up.

Lev sighed. "He told us that Dustin never actually left. He moved but not that far away, and he did it knowing that you would eventually come back."

His entire body froze. That couldn't be true. Dustin left. Everyone knew that he left.

He shook his head, pulling the coffeemaker out. He flipped the lid and started to pour coffee grounds inside.

“That's hard to believe. Are you sure he isn't just saying that because he wants to trick us? Does he have any real evidence to back that up?"

"Do you really need evidence for that, Noah? Do you want to risk it?"

He was grasping at straws, and he knew it. He flipped the coffee lid shut and pressed start. He stared at it for a few seconds.

"What did he tell you?" He gripped the counter tightly, trying to keep his frustration at bay.

"He told us that Dustin only said he left to reel you into coming back. He's still out for blood. Still hasn't let the past go. He said that he's been planning this for a while, but that isn't the worst part."

He swallowed. He didn't expect the man to let the past go. His son died, and that was hard on anyone, but he figured he would realize Mitch wasn't at fault. He was just there.

The coffee started to come through the machine, and he clenched his teeth together. "And? What's worse?"

"Well, he told us that Dustin had been watching you. He has been watching every step you take, and he knows you're with Becca."

That sent a shiver down his spine. His grip tightened on the counter, and he felt nauseous. He didn't like that at all.

"He knows that you've rekindled things with Becca, and he is going to use that to his advantage."

He ground his teeth hard enough that he could chip a tooth.

"Are you shitting me?"

Lev sighed heavier. "He had the rogue watching you for a while which is how he knows. He's been planning this for a long time and started putting his plan into motion after your parents moved back."

He didn't like how methodical Dustin was being. It sent his body aflame.

He listened as the coffee machine beeped. He yanked the pot free and grabbed a mug. He poured himself a cup and sighed.

His first thought was to take Becca and leave as he did so many years ago with his brother. But he knew that would never stick. That idea would only work once, and it barely did the first time.

Becca loved this town and had made a life here for herself. He couldn't rip her from it. And not that she would even go with him. And he wasn't running again. He wasn't giving up his home because of an accident that happened many years ago. Something that they weren't even guilty of being involved in.

He took a long swig from his mug needing the coffee to wake him up fully. He needed his mind to kick into gear so he could fully think.

He leaned into the counter and looked outside the windows. He took in the forest and the quiet. He liked the peacefulness and wasn't ready to give it up. But Dustin wasn't going to let the past go. Even if he left, Dustin would soon follow. He wanted blood, and he wanted it now.

If it wasn't him or his brother, he knew he would go for Becca. And that sent his blood boiling.

"You still there?" Lev asked.

He nodded and put his mug down. He pinched at his forehead, trying to stop the headache that was beginning to form.

"Yes, I'm still here. I just … Damn!" He exhaled and leaned back, pressing his head into the cabinet. "What do I do with that?"

"What do you want to do? Do you want to leave? We can arrange that."
