Page 47 of Bearly Taken

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Becca chuckled with glee, sliding the last juicy steak onto a waiting plate.

“In here, darling.”

She heard him groaning as he kicked his shoes off, then moved down the hall with a loud huff. Her heart picked up its pace at the mere thought of brushing past him. She hoped that excitement would never fade.


Noah came around the corner to the kitchen, standing at the threshold. Becca picked up both plates with their meals and spun around like a 1950’s advertisement.

“Your dinner awaits, my king.”

She wore a flowing summer dress, which was identical in color to the aquamarine waters that surrounded them. The look of shock, awe, arousal, and love that passed through Noah’s eyes would be a memory that would fuel her through every trial and tribulation they encountered.

“My my. Who is this woman in my kitchen?” Noah quipped.

Before she could retort with a sarcastic jeer, Noah stomped up to her and pulled her into him by the waist. Their crotches collided, and she nearly dropped their plates of dinner.

“Mmm,” she moaned, eyes closed and dreaming.

“You taste as good as you look,” Noah whispered, trailing his lips down to her neck.

“No, no, that fun will be later,” she said, pushing him away.

Noah gave in, and they sat on the porch to eat dinner. The meat was succulent and divine. The garden salad was refreshing and nourishing.

They talked as the day faded into darkness, fireflies emerging from their secret homes, dancing their jig over the still waters. Becca couldn’t believe this was her life. Noah took her inside and laid her on the couch, kissing her slowly and with intention as he unbuttoned her dress.

“God, I love you,” he crooned.

“I love you too, forever, Noah.”

He gave her a sneaky wink, and Becca could have collapsed into herself with the purest form of life she had ever felt.

“Do you promise?”

She promised. And forever would come, and they would go on and on and beyond.
