Page 26 of A Little Bit Mine

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Aria and I are the only ones who are retired. Aria sold her business two years ago. She had been stepping back more and more, and she decided that it was finally time. She seems more relaxed, lighter, ever since, and I’m happy for her.

I thought I might be bored staying home all the time, but I loved it. Being a mother seems to have been my calling. I loved spending my days running after our kids, and I’m a little sad now that they’re in school and starting to be more independent.

“Did you pick a room for us?” Gates asks me as he brings in our bags.

“No, sorry, honey. I don’t think that it matters. You can choose.”

He nods, heading up the stairs and down the hallway. Kye, Rhett, and Anson follow after him, and the kids race past them downstairs.

“Slow down!” I call to them, and they slow slightly.

They’re so excited after being on the plane and in the car all day.

“I’m going to go grab some groceries. I think I saw a store a few miles back,” Quinn says,

“Want me to go with you?”


“Gates! I’m headed to the store!” I call up to him.

“Have fun!” He yells back, and I smile as I head outside with Quinn.

Gates is still the best husband and partner that I could ever dream of. He’s an amazing dad, so patient and sweet with our kids. I know that he would do anything for us. He lives to make us all safe and happy.

“What are you two going to do for your anniversary?” Quinn asks as we head back toward town.

“I’m not sure. Gates told me that he wanted to surprise me this year, so I’m leaving all the planning up to him.”

“Aww, I love that! I like planning stuff, but sometimes it’s nice to let someone else take on that mental load.”

“Right?” I agree. “He loves to spoil me, so I’m sure I’m going to love whatever he has planned.”

She smiles, hitting the turn signal, and I glance out the window at the passing scenery.

“Where are you headed to this month?” I ask her as we pull into the parking lot of the market.

“I’m thinking Vietnam. Or maybe Cambodia? Somewhere over there.”

“That sounds like fun!”

“Want to come with me?”

“Maybe. I need to see what Gates has planned and how busy work is.”

She nods, and I grab a cart, following her down the first aisle.

If you had told me in high school that I would be happily married to Gates and loving my life as a retired model and mom to two amazing kids, I would have thought that all of my dreams came true.

Instead, the reality is so much better than my dreams ever could be. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m grateful every day that I am.

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