Page 16 of Midnight Trials

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“I was so fucking worried about you today,” he murmurs, his eyes locked on my lips. “Knowing you were in danger out there, and that I couldn’t do anything about it, that I couldn’t even sense you properly, was torture.” He frowns slightly as he realises that I’m shivering, the fine hair on my arms standing on end. “You’re freezing.”

I am cold. Those wet clothes drained all the warmth from me, but I’m not shaking for that reason. Every cell of my body is alight and ready for him, the stress of the day making me need him more than ever. However, I’m not going to explain that to him. Instead, my lips curve up into a smile, and I crook my finger for him to follow me.

“Then help me warm up.”

Without any further explanation, I saunter into the bathroom and straight into the walk-in shower. It’s huge, taking up most of the space in the room, and perfect for what I have in mind. Ignoring the feeling of his hungry stare, I turn on the shower and throw my head back as hot water cascades from the huge showerhead. I unhook my bra, let it fall to the floor, and then remove my underwear to stand fully naked under the water. Running my hands through my hair, I hum in pleasure, my cold limbs slowly warming up.

Feeling Joel’s presence behind me, I reach for the body wash and pour some into my hands, running it over my skin and pretending I don’t know he’s there. He knows that I know, and it becomes a game between us. Who will crack first? I’m so desperate for his touch, and I can almost feel his feral hunger.

I caress my breasts, rolling my nipples between my fingers and moaning in pleasure. A low, possessive growl from behind me makes me pause. His chest presses against my back, and his hands slide over my body, moving my own until he’s cupping my breasts.

“Mine.” His voice is so low I almost can’t make out what he says, but Ifeelit through the bond. He’s claiming me, well and truly. I’m not usually into the possessive thing, but it’s different with him, sending a bolt of desire straight to my core.

He massages my breasts and tweaks my nipples until I’m gasping, and then he slides one of his hands down my body and between my legs, cupping my sex. “This is mine too.”

Panting like a dog in heat, I whine and push back against him, oh so desperate for him to claim me. His cock twitches against my ass, ready to take me, but he takes his time, flicking my clit and sliding a finger inside me.

As I brace my hands against the cold shower tiles, it’s all I can do to stay upright as he stretches me, adding two, then three fingers, crooking them so they hit my G-spot with each thrust. Finally, he pulls out and positions his cock so it’s resting against my entrance.

“Mine,” he growls, his face so close to mine that his breath tickles my ear.

“Yours,” I agree.

My words seem to break his resolve, and with a groan, he thrusts inside me. The abrupt stretch is almost too much, and I’m so fucking full of him, but after a moment, my body relaxes and he’s able to sink deeper. He places his hands on my hips, stilling my movements as he makes sure I’m fully adjusted to his size. Testing with another thrust, he chuckles softly, the sound full of satisfaction as I groan at the delicious feeling.

I have no word, my mind retreating to that primal part of me. Thankfully, I don’t need to say anything because he knows exactly what I need, and he picks up the rhythm until he’s pounding into me. It’s a good thing that these rooms are soundproof given the noises we both make. We’re not gentle, our fucking raw and full of need. We could have died today on several occasions, and now we need to revel in each other’s presence.

He fucks me from behind, taking me higher and higher, our bond open so we can experience each other’s pleasure. It takes us to a whole new level, and soon, I’m shattering around him, my orgasm hitting so hard it makes my knees shake. Squeezing around his cock, I pull him over the edge with me. His cock pulses inside me, and he fills me with his cum as we work through the last of the pleasure.

His head drops down onto my shoulder as I brace against the wall, our breathing rapid as the hot water pours down on us. Pulling his cock from me, he wraps his arms around me and turns us so he’s leaning against the wall. I’m not sure how long we stay like this, but I make the most of it. After all, the next trial is in two days, and who knows what horrors the council has planned for us.


When I exit the lift and enter the lobby of the compound, I find Scott already waiting for me. He’s leaning against the wall by the glass doors, watching the world pass by outside. I know he must have heard the lift and my light steps, but for a few seconds, he stays focused on whatever he’s watching out the windows.

It gives me the chance to check him out while his attention is elsewhere. He’s looking fine today. I hadn’t really had the time to process how attractive he was in the trial, given that I was trying not to die most of the time. His dark, wavy, shoulder-length hair gleams in the sunlight shining through the window, and a light layer of stubble covers his jaw. His clothes are much the same as yesterday. A plain white T-shirt is stretched over his chest, and it’s topped with a dark leather jacket. Tight jeans hug his powerful thighs, and they are tucked into black biker boots. I shouldn’t find him so appealing, not when I just left my naked mate asleep in my bed.

Feeling my attention on him, Scott pushes away from the wall and turns to greet me. Whatever he was going to say seems to fall off his tongue as he takes me in. My hair falls around my shoulders in scarlet waves, framing my pale face and lilac eyes. The weather is bright and warm today, so I’m wearing one of my favourite summer dresses. It’s white with a small pink and red rose print, and it falls just below my knees and pulls in at my waist, showcasing my figure without being too revealing.

I know I look nice, and I did try because I will be seeing my family, but do I really look that different from yesterday? Sure, I’d been in my activewear with my hair braided to keep it out of the way, but he’s looking at me like he’s seeing me for the first time.

When he first turned around, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself to stay distant and cool, like he was when we first met. Now, though, he appears to be warring with himself. Surely that can’t just be because I’m wearing a dress and I brushed my hair?

The silence stretches between us as I wait for him to work through whatever’s plaguing him. It makes me feel uncertain. I thought we’d dealt with some of his reservations yesterday, but now I’m not so sure.

“Morning,” I finally murmur, wearing a tentative smile as I step forward.

“Morning,” he replies automatically, a slight frown pulling at his brow. “Ready to go?”

Disappointment stirs in my gut at how distant he’s acting towards me, but I simply nod and push through the hotel doors. Guards stand outside and give us a once-over, checking that we’re two of ten who were given the privilege of leaving the compound today. Guilt gnaws at me that I’m leaving Nicolai behind and seeing the pack without him. They wouldn’t let me check on him last night or this morning, insisting that he needed to rest and not be disturbed. I’ll visit him later and bring him news from the pack, that will cheer him up. Decision made, I try to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in my chest as more distance is put between us, not to mention my bond with Joel stretching, making me fidgety.

Walking out into the street and across the road, we start to make our way to the hotel where my pack is staying. He’s silent at my side and seems to be doing his best to avoid looking at me. Pushing back the hurt, I try to focus on the sun warming my skin and the scent of flowers on the breeze as we walk past one of the pristine parks. However, I can’t enjoy these things, and my hurt turns to frustration, growing the farther we walk in silence. Finally, I can no longer hold my tongue.

“So we’re back to not being friends again?”

He sighs and rubs a hand across his face, suddenly looking exhausted. “It’s not that simple, Laelia.”

Raising my brow, I stop and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to realise I’m no longer at his side. Reluctantly, he turns, his expression wary.

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