Page 12 of The Nanny

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Her voice rises with each word, so that she is screaming by the end. I wince, thinking of how badly my arm will hurt the second I so much a brush it with an air-filled balloon. I definitely don’t want to go to this place.

“All inflatable,” Saffron affirms. “You and your dad will have these VIP passes that let you skip the lines and do all sorts of fun things.”

Isla squeals in delight and Keir fakes a smile for his daughter while shooting daggers at Saffron. “Why do you keep saying it’s just going to be me and Isla? Where will you be?”

“And what about Ella?” There’s a hint of concern in Isla’s voice as she asks the question that’s on the tip of my tongue as well. “Can she come with us?”

Saffron ignores Keir and speaks directly to Isla instead. “Ella and I are going out for lunch and some shopping. We’re going to have some grown-up time, okay?”

I hold my breath, expecting Isla to call the whole thing off. To my surprise—and Keir’s, judging by his shocked expression—Isla simply gives a half-shrug like it’s no big deal.

“Okay. But will you be with Ella the whole time?

Saffron cocks her head. “We will be safe, Isla. I promise. Is that what yu’re worried about?”

Isla shrugs, looking at the ground. “Will you both be here when we get back so I can tell you all about the park?”

“Nothing could keep me away.” Saffron tosses Isla a wink and gives her a quick hug before finally looking back over at Keir. “Don’t give me that look. Ella isn’t the only one around here who needs a break. Go have some fun with your daughter today. Nobody is going to yell at you. Your company isn’t going to come crashing down without you there to micromanage things for a few hours.” Mimicking her niece, she adds with a shrug, “You’re the boss. You can do whatever you want.”

I have to turn my head to keep from laughing as Keir’s mouth falls open. I’m absolutely sure he’s going to yell at her for this, but no. Saffron must be working some serious magic right now, because he just closes his mouth with a snap and huffs out a short breath as he looks down at his daughter.

“I guess we’re going to the amusement park.”

“Yay! I’ll go get my backpack!” Isla screams. Her energy level has just shot through the roof. Part of me feels a little sorry for Keir.

She runs off and Keir gives his sister a defeated look.

“You win this time. Can you at least give me a second before you drag my daughter’s nanny out the door?”

“I’ll give you all the time you need.” Saffron walks back over to sit down next to me again. “I think Isla’s the only one who will keep you on a tight schedule today.”

Keir walks out of the room shaking his head.

This time I really do have to let out a quiet laugh.

“I don’t know how you managed all of that in such a short amount of time,” I say, truly incredulous.

“Years of practice,” she chuckles. “He knows I’m right, though. He might not admit it, but he knows it’s true. You need to blow off some steam and so does he. Isla does too, for that matter.”

“You’re right,” I nod. “I think we could all use some time to regroup after everything that’s happened.”

“Exactly. You’ll feel better after some retail therapy, I promise.”

Keir comes back carrying a small, pink gift bag and a matching envelope. The dainty, feminine objects look completely out of place in his big hands, but I’m too curious to ask any questions.

I only have to wait a few seconds to find out what the mystery gifts are, though. “Your friend Kaia, sent you this card,” he says, offering it to me while still holding onto the bag. “And I, uh… picked up a few things for you, too. Here.”

I’m in shock.

Even Saffron is speechless as I take the bag and peek inside. I can see one of my favorite movies and at least half a dozen bags of candy—all different flavors that I haven’t ever even seen in the U.K. before—along with a pretty rose gold pen.

“For when you write in your diary,” he nods to the little book next to me. “I just thought you might—”

“I love it,” I interrupt. I’m smiling so wide my cheeks are starting to hurt. If Saffron wasn’t watching, I’d already be in his arms giving him a proper thank you. “I really appreciate it. All of it. You didn’t have to do this, though.”

“Yes, I did.”

I don’t know when he had time to pick these things up, but even if he had them delivered it’s obvious that he put some time and thought into the gifts in the bag. He must have asked Kaia about the candy and the movies. The pen, though? That’s directly from him. I know it without even asking.

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