Page 13 of The Nanny

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And it almost feels like an apology. A sincere one, for a change.

I don’t know what to say. The silence stretches out for a few more seconds before Isla bursts back into the room.

“I’m ready!” She’s already changed clothes and has her backpack on. She means business.

“I guess we’re going, then.” He nods to his sister. “Don’t get into any trouble.”

“No promises,” she shrugs.

And then they’re gone, leaving me alone and making me instantly miss them both. Damn him.



Exploring downtown Glasgow with Saffron turns out to be really therapeutic. We start at a coffee shop and stop at a cute little bistro, hitting every single high-end boutique in between.

I nibble at my lip as Saffron hands the waiter her brother’s black card. “Keiran is going to hit the roof when he sees his credit card statement.”

“He’ll get over it,” she smiles over the top of her martini glass. “In fact, I’d be willing to bet he won’t even notice. Anyway, it’s not like he didn’t know we were going shopping.”

I’m too tired from trying on a dozen different outfits to put up much of an argument. Outfits that are currently sitting in an assortment of shopping bags at our feet.

Saffron gives me a considering look as the waiter whisks the card away.

“I’m sorry about Natasha,” she says with a heavy sigh. “I should have kept Keir from taking her to Italy. I could have done more. Ishouldhave done more.”

“No, it isn’t your fault. I knew she didn’t like me, but nobody could have known how crazy she really was. I don’t blame you for any of that, and I don’t want you to blame yourself. I’m just glad it’s over now.”

As much as I don’t want to talk about what happened on that trip, it feels good to clear the air and unpack some of that trauma. It’s also nice to be able to talk to someone who understands the situation.

There’s another subject I’d rather get into, though, if we’re going to have a serious, honest discussion. And I’ve had half a martini of my own, which means my inhibitions are just low enough to ask the question that’s been on my mind all day.

“What can you tell me about Keir’s ex?”

“Kinsley?” Saffron only seems taken aback for a split-second before leaning in and lowering her voice. “I can tell you she was never really interested in being a mother. Or a wife. She is a party girl, through and through.”

“Really? Why did he marry her if—”

“Because our parents loved her. Well, they loved theideaof her. She came from the right family. She’s pretty and smart and she has the right kind of sparkling smile. I think Keiran even convinced himself that he was in love for a while.”

She makes a face as if to reinforce the unlikelihood of their connection being love.


I know I should stop asking questions that aren’t any of my business, but this sounds like the beginning of a soap opera. And just like with a soap opera, I can’t turn away when it’s just getting to the juicy part. “So what happened? How did they go from being in love to being… like they are now?”

“Keiran was in love,” she corrects me. “I don’t know if Kinsley ever was. She loved the attention. She loved the fairytale wedding my parents paid for and the ten-page spreads in the lifestyle magazines. But once she got pregnant and reality set in?” Saffron shakes her head and takes another sip. “The fairy tale came crashing down around her. The death blow for their marriage was late in her pregnancy when she had to be confined to bed rest at Drumman Castle for a couple of months. I think that’s when they really started to hate each other.”

She paused. “Kinsley wanted out. She made that perfectly clear. She wanted to go back to partying and having fun. Being pregnant was just slowing her down.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah. Kinsley hated every minute of it. She counted down the hours until she wasn’tburdenedanymore.”

I can’t even imagine what it must have been like for Kinsley, if I’m being honest. It should have been the happiest time of her life. Instead, she and Keir ended up hating each other?

This story turned from soap opera to tragedy way too quickly. Still, I have to know how it ends. “And after Isla was born?”
