Page 23 of The Nanny

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“There’s nobody around.” I don’t know if that’s true. I don’t even care. “Give me one good reason why you don’t want to go with me to California.”

“I can give you at least five reasons off the top of my head.”

“Just one.”

“Here’s a reason,” she draws in a ragged breath as I lean in to kiss her neck. “You’re just making excuses to keep me around and I deserve more than that.”

“Isla needs you,” I counter, my hands sliding up under the back of her shirt. “You know that’s true. And how am I making excuses? I’ve told you all the reasons why we can’t have anything more than this.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she sighs, finally pushing away. “I’m too young and you don’t want to get burned again. I get it. Your family wouldn’t approve. The public wouldn’t approve. I’d get tired of you after a few months—does that cover all the reasons you’ve given me so far?”

I’m not sure if we’re fighting again or if she’s just teasing me. Maybe a little of both.

“Most of them,” I shrug. “And if you didn’t have such a sexy ass, I would have fired you for your bad attitude a long time ago.”

Her mouth falls open and now I’m almost certain we’re fighting again. But no. Instead of yelling, she pushes me with both hands, nearly knocking me onto my ass. I grab her and pull her close again, my hands skimming down to her perfect bottom and squeezing. Hard.

“Let me take you right here,” I growl, tugging at the hem of her stretchy running pants. “Right now.”

“In thepark?” She gasps as I grind myself against her. “We can’t. We’ll be… arrested.”

“It’ll be worth it.” I pull her off the path and past a row of hedges into a small clearing, then shrug out of my shirt so she knows I’m serious. “Nobody will see us here. The sun won’t even be up for another half-hour.”

“Are you really that horny?” She doesn’t stop me as I pull her shirt up over her head, leaving her in a sports bra and running pants. “Oh my God, Keir, are we really doing this?”

I nod. “We’re doing it.”

I don’t know why I need her so badly right now. Maybe because she just reminded me of all the reasons why I can’t have her?


All I know for sure is that I want her and she wants me. Isn’t that enough for now?



I can’t stop touching Keir for even one second as he pulls me deeper into the park. I’m desperate to kiss him, to feel his weight against my body, to feel stretched out and used by him.

It’s so stupid, but I’m turned on and horny specifically for this one man. Running my hands over his neck and shoulders, stealing kisses from his lips, clinging to his ribs and abs as he walks me backward.

My ass hits something firm but rough. Keir pushes me against a big oak tree and I pull him closer, desperate to open my mouth under his and feel his tongue against mine.

He backs off, pulling his dark t-shirt up over his head. My eyes widen at his well-built chest and muscular arms. Even though I’ve seen him naked time and time again, I will never tire of staring at him or running my hands over his muscular body. Keir makes me feel like I’m not fully in control of my faculties and I love that about him.

The rush that I get from being with him is just so damnedexhilarating.

“Damn, Ella,” he murmurs. “I need to have you, right here, right this fucking second.”

He pushes me back a step and tugs me down, kissing my shoulder as he pulls me to the ground. I lean on my elbows, watching him strip his shoes and running shirts off, leaving him in nothing but a pair of tight black boxer briefs.

“How are you even real? You’re too sexy to live outside my imagination,” I complain.

Keir looks at me, one corner of his mouth kicking up. The dark tips of his hair have scattered over his temple and he shoves them back ruthlessly.

“Fuck. You know just what to say to me to get my cock hard.”

A smile graces my lips. My gaze trails up and down his body, ravenous for his touch.
