Page 29 of The Nanny

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It feels so good to be back in New York City. It’s very last minute and also a really rushed visit… I’m literally here for today and tonight, then on Keir’s private plane again, hurrying back to Scotland.

Still, it is a delightful excuse to hang out with my best friend while Keir does some kind of business deal. Hanging out with Kaia again instead of Keir is what I didn’t know I needed.

I’ve hardly spoken to him in the week that’s passed since the big blowup with his family, and I still don’t know what to make of it all.

Stepping out of my bedroom and into the luxurious hotel suite’s extravagant living area, I ground myself in the here and now. I’m not going to let any of the bullshit that’s going on ruin the limited amount of time I have with Kaia.

In fact, I’m already starting to feel better the moment she steps inside my hotel suite.

She throws her arms around me for a big hug that’s slightly off-center due to her very pregnant belly being wedged between us.

“Girl, I’ve missed you so much,” she says, holding me there for a few more seconds before taking a step back and looking around. “Holy shit, this is your hotel room?” Her mouth drops open as she peeks around the corner into the sitting room and dining room beyond that. “Oh my God. This is ridiculous—is this all for you?”

“Crazy, isn’t it?” I have to laugh because my reaction to seeing this suite for the first time would have been—shouldhave been—exactly the same. But I’ve been so wrapped up in my own misery and self-pity that I hardly noticed my ultra-luxurious surroundings. “Keir will be here in a couple of days for some kind of function with his brother. But yeah, it’s just me for now.”

She turns to me and wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. “So the two of you are going to be shacking up here like a couple of little love birds? How romantic.”

“No.” I grimace before I can think to stop myself. “It’s not like that. Not… exactly, anyway.”

“Sounds like we’ll have a lot to talk about.” She wanders into the sitting room, then calls out, “Will you get in trouble if we order room service billed to the room? He’s not the kind of boss who makes you account for every penny on the hotel bill, is he?”

This time I have to laugh. Keir is the complete opposite. He’s not irresponsible with his money by any means, but he’s never batted an eye at paying for anything and everything I might want or need. “No, he’s not that kind of boss.”

She roots around for a room service menu and then sits down at the oval-shaped mahogany dining table. “So he won’t mind if I order a steak with a skewer of shrimp? I can put it on my card if it’s an issue.”

The laugh that escapes my mouth has come directly from my belly. “It isn’t even lunchtime yet!” Lord, she hasn’t changed at all. “But yeah, order whatever you want. And order a club sandwich for me, please.”

“Before you start judging, just remember I’m eating for two. I’m having the weirdest cravings, let me tell you. Yesterday it was blueberries and ranch dressing.” She pins me with an exaggerated glare before grinning again. “So really? Steak and shrimp?”

I hold my hands up in a mock surrender as I sit down next to her. “Whatever you and the baby need. I’m not judging.” Then, with a smirk, I add, “Or paying.”

Kaia raises her left hand, showing off her huge wedding ring. “As if I’m worried about a little room service bill. I didn’t marry Calum for his money, but he’s richer than god.”

“I know. And I haven’t been jealous of your new love and your rich husband at all, ever. When you were getting married, I definitely didn’t devote several pages in my journal to writing about how I’m going to be alone forever.” I stick my tongue out at her.

She cracks up, doing a little victory dance. “My life does seem to be going well. You’re crazy if you think that you’re going to be alone forever, though. You’re young, you’re fucking beautiful, and besides… there’s Keir.”

I pull a face. “He is definitely a force of nature, that’s for sure.”

I wait as she picks up the phone and rattles off what seems like half the menu before thanking the front desk clerk and hanging up again. “He said it might take about forty-five minutes. I guess even the VIP guests don’t get rush service.”

“The VIP guest hasn’t arrived yet,” I remind her. “I’m just the nanny, remember?”

“The nanny with a suite that’s bigger than both our old apartments combined. Seriously, you realize this suite qualifies as a whole-ass mansion in Manhattan, right?”

“It’s nice,” I admit. “Keir lives in a way that I couldn’t have even imagined before I met him. He’s taken me places and shown me things I probably wouldn’t have ever experienced on my own, so I do feel fortunate and blessed and—and all those things.”


“But I want more.”

Both her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. “Now that’s just greedy. Be sure to throw your old bestie a bone every now and then when you’re the lady of the manor.”

I snort. “As if. You and your rich hubby and your perfect baby will be just fine.”
