Page 3 of The Nanny

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I’m at a loss for words for the first time in a long time. It’s almost impossible to make sense of her crazed ranting.

All these other people? She means Ella and Isla. And yes, she really is unhinged to think any of this is okay.

“You need help,” I spit out. I’m so disgusted that I’d honestly feel sorry for her if I wasn’t still so angry. “You need help and you need to be behind bars and—ah, what the fuck?”

Pain explodes in the pit of my stomach as her knee connects with my groin. I roll to the side, barely dodging another well-aimed kick as she scrambles free.

She’s back on her feet in a flash.

Panic washes over me. I need to take her down again before she tries to run away again—or worse, tries to go back and finish what she started with Ella and Isla. But it feels like I’m moving through a pit of molasses as I struggle to recover from the throbbing pain that’s engulfed my entire midsection.

Jesus, why does getting kicked in the balls have to hurt so damn bad?

“You’re such a fool, Keiran.” Her mouth twists into a cruel smirk as she stands in front of me, just out of reach. “You and I could have had a lot of fun together if you hadn’t been so stupid.”

“And if you hadn’t been so crazy.” I’m finally able to support my own weight again as I push through the pain and slowly start to stand. “There’s nowhere else for you to go now, Natasha. If you run, I’ll catch you. If you hide, I’ll find you. You’re going to come with me to the police station right now and give them a full confession.”

She laughs. “That’s the last thing I’m going to do,Lord Grayrose.” She spits my title at me as if it’s a curse. “You don’t have any authority over me anymore. In fact, maybe it’s best if you aren’t around to give any orders or tell your side of the story to anyone else. Ever.”

Her hand moves to her waist and I barely see the glint of sunlight on metal in time to dodge the first strike as she jabs at me with a small knife. “Fuck, what is wrong with you?” I jump back as she slashes at me again. “You’re really trying to kill me out in public? With witnesses everywhere?”

I nod to the growing crowd, drawn here by our shouts. Natasha doesn’t even look at them. I have to admit that at this point, she seems to have had some kind of mental break with reality. Perhaps she can’t actually see the crowd at all.

Not that those witnesses are doing much good at the moment. Can’t say I really blame them, though. All it takes is one look at her face to know Natasha is serious about using that knife.

She might have just said she loves me. But right now? This very second?

She also wants to kill me.

The rest of the world fades away as I look for an opening. Natasha is circling me like a cat with a mouse, but I can still regain the upper hand if I wait for the right moment to present itself.

Be patient.

Let her overextend herself.

Then grab the fucking knife.

The plan sounds easy enough in my head. In practice, though? Dealing with someone who isn’t thinking or behaving rationally?

Yeah, I’m not sure how well my plan will hold up.

“The way I see it,” she makes a small jab in my direction, just enough to make me jump. “It’s your word against mine now. And if I’m gone and you’re dead, well…” she shrugs. “I guess I’ll get away with it, won’t I?”

She has nothing to lose anymore. She might be deranged, but I can still see the desperation in her eyes. That’s what makes her more dangerous and unpredictable than ever.

I’m desperate, too, though. Just for the opposite reason. I have everything to lose.



My own life.

And if she thinks I’m going to let her get away from me this time? Well, she’s even crazier than she looks.

With an ear-piercing scream, she lunges at me again. This time, she isn’t faking. I brace myself and grab her wrist. She’s fast but I’m bigger and stronger. All it takes is a little pressure to bend her wrist backwards before she howls in pain. The knife scrapes along the underside of my arm but falls from her hand without even breaking the skin.

I kick it away just as the Italian authorities finally show up, elbowing their way through the crowd. The police surround us, weapons swinging around as they take in the scene.
