Page 33 of The Nanny

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People are starting to stare and I hate that this little son of a bitch has tried to ruin my night out with Ella, but I can’t keep turning the other cheek forever. It’s one thing for him to insult me. I’m used to that. I can handle it.

But if he thinks he’s going to get in my face and say shitty things about Ella?

Nah, that’s not going to happen.

“Where do you think you’re taking me?” he sputters. “Are you really going to throw me out of here like you own the place? Come on.”

I don’t say another word and I don’t stop until I’ve shoved him inside the SUV that’s waiting for us at the curb. Turning to the driver, I make it clear that I’m the one in charge. “Get him back to his hotel. Don’t take him anywhere else. Physically put him in his room if you have to.”

The SUV pulls away, leaving me standing there at the curb by myself as Ella catches up to me. “I’m sorry,” I say to her. Fuck, why does it feel like I’m always apologizing for my family lately? “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

She offers a wry smile. “It was an exciting end to the evening, that’s for sure.”

“Too exciting, I’m afraid.” I shake my head. “I don’t want to let him completely ruin our night, though. Do you want to go back inside?”

“No, that’s okay. Can we just go back to the hotel? Please?”

She’s putting on a brave face but I know his words affected her.

Fucking asshole.

“Absolutely,” I force a smile of my own as I take her hand again. “I’m sure we can have a good time there, too.”

It felt like a sure bet a little while ago, at least. Now I’ll probably spend the rest of the evening apologizing for my brother’s shitty behavior.

Quelle surprise.



It’s so strange to be waking up in Glasgow again after spending time in New York City. The flight is only about nine hours, but the two places might as well be on different planets.

Nobody in Glasgow expects me to be the person I was in New York. I’m just the nanny here. I spend my days and nights in a mansion up in the clouds taking care of my rich boss’s daughter.

Here in Scotland, nobody knows about my past. If people are judging me here, they do it quietly, behind my back.

Well, for the most part.

“Ella!” Isla calls from next door in her bedroom. “Come play! I can hear you moving around so I know you aren’t still sleeping.”

“I’m just getting dressed, sweetheart,” I answer. “I’ll be there in just a second.”

It’s not exactly a lie. I’ve been slowly getting dressed, and I have every intention of going in to check on Isla in a few minutes. Just as soon as I figure out how to deal with the latest message from my dad.

Tears start welling up in my eyes as I sit down on the edge of my bed to re-read the text. With everything else going on, it’s been easy enough to push his demands to the back of my mind these past couple of weeks. I was fooling myself to think he’d just go away, though.

The phone rings in my hand, making me fumble and nearly drop it as I swipe to answer with a trembling finger.

“Did you get my message?” are the first words I hear. No pleasantries. No concern for how I’ve been doing or what I’m up to now.

“Yeah.” I feel a familiar ball of anxiety forming in the pit of my stomach. “I got all your messages, Dad.”

“Then why haven’t you returned my calls? Better yet, why don’t I have the evidence you promised me?”

“I’m still working on it.” I cringe, already knowing he isn’t going to believe me. “It’s not as easy as you make it sound to come up with solid evidence.”

“He doesn’t text you? He doesn’t call you? Email? I don’t believe for a second that your boss hasn’t given you something you can use against him.”
