Page 72 of The Nanny

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“Wait, what?” I sit up straight, unable to hide my surprise. “James and your parents? They’re coming here?”

“Didn’t I tell you?” His eyebrows knit together. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I thought I told you. I mean to tell you, just to give you a heads-up, if nothing else.”

I should be upset but I can’t muster any anger after the roller coaster of emotions we’ve all been on. “Did they say why they’re coming?” I ask, then hurriedly add, “Not that it matters. It’s just that I thought you weren’t getting along with any of them. Especially your brother.”

“I’m not getting along with them, but what else can I do? I’ve already forbidden all of them from coming up to the penthouse, but they’re calling my bluff. As much as I’d love to watch my security guards throw their asses out onto the street, they know I won’t actually do it.”

I lean in against him and sigh to myself as he puts his arm around me. We still haven’t discussed our situation since our last argument, but I’m sure as heck not going to bring it up right now. I think we’ve already had enough drama for one day.

“Why do they treat you so badly?” I ask instead, wincing as the words fall out of my mouth. “Sorry, that was probably too blunt. I just don’t understand why your parents and James seem to… to…”

“To hate me?” I can feel his chest rise and fall with one deep breath after another. “I disappointed my parents. That’s a cardinal sin in our family.”

“You disappointed them?” I take a moment to try and imagine how someone as driven as Keir could ever be a disappointment to his parents, but no. I’m just not seeing it. “You’re probably the most successful, hard-working person I’ve ever met. How can they even think about being disappointed? What do you have to do to get in their good graces? Win a Nobel Prize?”

He grunts. “Probably wouldn’t hurt. Anyway, it all goes back to when everyone assumed I’d be Prime Minister someday.”

“Prime Minister?” He’s dropping so many truth bombs that I genuinely can’t keep up. “You’re too blunt and honest to be a politician. Plus, I thought that was James’ area. Or were you supposed to take turns being Prime Minister?”

He laughs. “That would have been something, wouldn’t it? Two brothers taking tuns in Number Ten Downing Street? I don’t think the country is ready for that.”

I’m surprised that he’s opening up like this, but I don’t want to point it out and ruin the moment. Still, it’s nice.

The topic kind of sucks, but the connection? The closeness and the way he’s confiding in me?

That part is really, really nice.

“So your parents basically shunned you when they realized you wouldn’t be Prime Minister?” Not that I want to keep bringing up his old trauma or anything, but I’m super curious about how Keir and his family got to the point they’re at now. “I’d like to say I can’t imagine parents being so cruel and petty, but… yeah, I can imagine it. I’ve lived through it myself, just not anywhere near the same scale.”

“They didn’t shun me completely,” he answers. “They turned most of their time and money to helping James achieve the political career they thought I should have had, and I got the consolation prize.”

“The consolation prize?” I wince as I look up at him. “I’m almost scared to ask.”

He gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze as he continues. “Nah, the joke was on them. They gave me control of NewsCorp and I never looked back. It was the first time I’ve ever felt like I was actually good at something.”

I’m not sure whether that makes me feel better for him or if it makes my heart ache more for all those years he spent floundering without his parents’ approval.

“You do seem like you enjoy your job most days,” I offer, which is maybe a bit of a stretch considering how unhappy he’s been the past few weeks. “You definitely seem to be in control there. I think your employees look up to you.”

“The job used to feel easier than it feels now. But yeah, I do still think I’m good at it.” A wry smile plays across his lips. “Not sure if I’m respected as much as I’m feared, but I’ll take what I can get.”

“You took what could have been a bad situation and turned it into something good, something rewarding.” I raise a brow. “Do you think James can say the same about his career path? Is he ready to be the next Prime Minister?”

Keir bursts out laughing, then catches himself with a cautious glance in Isla’s direction. “Fuck no,” he answers, bringing his voice down until it’s just above a whisper. “He’s absolutely not ready, and they all know it. That’s why they’re coming here tomorrow and threatening me with everything they can find to make sure I’ll come out and publicly support him, not just with money and appearances, but with airtime at NewsCorp.”


I probably wouldn’t have believed his entire family—aside from Saffron, of course—was really that cold and calculating if I hadn’t witnessed some of it myself. But I have seen them in action and I know how ruthless they can be.

“I’m sorry they keep treating you like that,” I say, meaning it. “You shouldn’t have to be treated like a business associate by your own family. That really sucks.”

“Not even an important business associate, either,” he smirks. “Until the moment they need something from me. Then I’m still the asshole, but I’m the asshole they can’t ignore anymore.”

God, is it any wonder he’s scared of being in a relationship when everyone around him is so toxic? Almost all the people he’s supposed to be able to count on in life have screwed him over, and keep screwing him over. How can I be shocked that he doesn’t trust me with his heart?

“Coming from that kind of family background,” I shake my head. “It’s honestly surprising to me that you’re so good with Isla. You’re an amazing dad, Keir, and I’m not just saying that. I get to see you interact with her every day, and I know how much you do for her behind the scenes.”

“Thank you.” I can hear the emotion in his voice as it drops even lower than normal. “She’s the only reason I’m still here. She keeps me sane. She keeps me grounded in the midst of all this crazy shit. I would lay down my life for her in an instant, and I hope like hell that she never has to doubt how much I love her.”

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