Page 34 of The Beast

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The limousine fights its way along the road until we reach the hangar, where our driver pulls inside. The limo stops right by one of my top of the line twenty-person private planes. The plane beckons, its stairs unfurled for us to board. Another limousine is parked just on the other side of the aircraft, leaving no doubt that my brother has arrived.

Ella starts to open the door but I stop her, shaking my head and looking out the window. Behind me, two men in dark coveralls wheel the heavy hangar door shut.

“Okay.” I flick my fingers dismissively. “You can go now.”

She cuts me a sideways look and makes a soft sound of displeasure as she opens her door. Grabbing the satchel, I climb out of the car and stretch; the limousine isn’t the right size for me and has been comically small since I was a teenager.

Ella looks at me, anxiety written plainly across her face. I realize that she’s waiting for me to lead her over to the plane.

I press my lips together. How quaint. The sense that I’m bringing someone new into my ritzy uppercuts lifestyle is something I’ve never really felt before.

“Come on.” I grab Ella’s arm and haul her over to the stairs, where a uniformed steward waits in his neatly starched white shirt and navy slacks.

“Good morning, sir, ma’am.” He bows his head. “I’m Ricardo and I will be flying with you today. May I help you with anything?”

Lifting my chin, I nod toward the car. “Make sure our bags are brought over, will you?”

“May I take your bag, sir?”

He indicates the satchel that I’ve flung over my shoulder. I look down my nose at him, answering coldly.

“No, you may not. Just let us get on the fucking plane so we can take off.”

Ricardo pales a little at my growled tone, but I just ignore it.

Ushering Ella up the stairs, I try not to stare at her legs. Really, I do. But they are right there before me, just as toned and lovely as they felt when she wrapped them around my body and rocked against me—

Ella disappears into the plane, replaced by my brother James, who steps out onto the air strip. He casts a coy glance toward Ella’s disappearing figure.

“You’ve brought a friend along for the ride.”

His tone is light, his words joking. I wave him off.

“Christ. Will you move? The sooner we are all inside the damn plane, the sooner we will be airborne.”

My brother’s smile drops away and he steps back, muttering. “Prick.”

I push past him and into the cabin. The plane is separated into two clearly defined spaces. This is the smaller of the two spaces, with four pairs of cream-colored leather seats. I push past the neat divider and into the larger cabin, where there are several more sets of the same seats at the front and back, coupled with long cream colored benches in between.

My personal assistant Natasha is here, dressed in tight black leather pants and a lose black tunic. She’s sitting in the first row of seats with a pile of paperwork and an open laptop spread out before her. When my eye falls on her, she rises, inclining her blonde head.

“Sir Grayrose,” she says. Her eyes slide over to Ella, who is standing in the middle of the cabin looking like she’s never been on a fucking plane before. “Feel like introductions?”

I screw up my mouth. “This is Ella. She’ll be temporarily filling the au pair position while I try to find someone more permanent.”

Natasha gives Ella a startled look, seeming to do a double take. She holds out a hand to Ella, who stumbles forward and shakes it.

“Natasha. I’ve been working closely with Sir Grayrose for three years.”

I shrug a shoulder. “Natasha is an excellent personal assistant. The best money can buy. Isn’t that right?”

Natasha flushes and tosses her head, her gaze sliding back to Ella. “Yes, sir.”

“You’ll do what you can to make her more comfortable, I’m sure.”

Natasha smirks faintly but just inclines her head. “Of course, sir. I’m just working on pulling the stats for last month’s worldwide distribution. Will there be anything else you need from me right now? A pillow? A bottle of water?”

Before I can answer, Natasha turns and barks an order toward the galley in the back of the plane. “Get everyone something to drink, please!” She pulls a face, looking back to me. There is a bustle of activity as Riccardo rushes by, a frown worn into his face.

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