Page 119 of Deal With The Devil

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Get out while you still can.

I blink rapidly, unable to process what I have just read. Could this be true? Could Dare have really paid someone to intimidate me into thinking that circumstances were more dire than they really were? Would Dare do something like that?

The answer comes to me without even having to really think about it. Yes, of course he would. Dare is the first person to say that he is a cutthroat businessman first and only out for himself.

No muss, no fuss, no romance.

Acid fills the pit of my stomach and I close my eyes, tears leaking free and running down my face.

What have I done? Here I was, trotting around this party, performing like a trained pony for Dare. And he fucking let me. I can’t even blame him, because that is the nature of the devil.

The devil is silver tongued, incredibly sexually attractive, and will steal the breath right out of your lungs.

God, I feel so stupid. Dare is the fucking devil. I should have known from the second I laid eyes on him, but I let him woo me with money and the lure of a fairytale life for my unborn child.

I don’t know who would have sent the evidence to me, but I do know that if I don’t leave now, I might never get away from Dare Morgan completely.

Shoving my phone into my purse, I turn toward the front of the mansion and begin to run.
