Page 135 of Crossing Every Line

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“You trust me, right?”

He brushed the side of his thumb along a lock of hair that escaped her pins. “You have too much integrity to cheat.”

The little ripple of warmth that always came when he got jealous glowed hotter. “Then why do you get upset?”

“Because I’m a guy, and I know what kind of thoughts they’re having. And I don’t like it.”

She shook her head. It didn’t make sense to her, but as long as he didn’t do something stupid, there wasn’t much she could do about it. She shimmied her way down the bed and picked up her dress. “I’m just going to freshen up.”

In the bathroom she repaired her makeup and gave up on trying to control her hair. Instead, she left it down her back. Shane liked it down, and right now she was feeling good enough to give him whatever he wanted.

She returned to her room, and he was looking over her DVD collection.

“So thatSupernaturalcrack was true.”

“Yep, I love the boys. You’re a little like Bobby, except your beard is hotter.”

He frowned down at her. “I’m not that grouchy.”

“If you say so.”

He lifted her dress onto her shoulder only to have it drop down her arm again. “It’s made to slip off the shoulder.”

He dropped a kiss on the exposed skin. “Come on, then, before Lily comes up here and bangs on the door.” He shook his head.


“I feel like when I was seventeen and snuck my girlfriend past my dad to stay overnight.”

Delighted, she went on her tiptoes and kissed his scowling mouth. “I think I like that you’re feeling a little guilty.”

He hooked his arm around her neck and led her out into the hallway. The party was still going full swing downstairs. As soon as she got to the bottom of the landing, Bells dragged her around the corner and out onto the porch.

Shane waved at her and wandered off. Probably to find Kain.

“What the heck, Bells?”

“You leave me down here with that…that…that man while you go upstairs for a booty call?”

Startled at the wide-eyed panic in her friend’s eyes, she clutched her hands. “What happened?”

“He kissed me. That’s what happened.”

“Well, it is New Year’s. Lots of kissing happens. Even between strangers.”

“I intended on kissing him. That’s not the problem. I was on the chair and was going to plant a good kiss on him. You know, my second-date kiss?”

Kendall swallowed a laugh. Her friend was obviously gearing up for a story. “Impressive. The second-date kiss doesn’t come out all that often these days.”

“I know. But he’s friggin’ gorgeous, and I thought, hey, why not? I should bring out my A-game.”

“So you think he’s attractive.”

“Did you fall on your head upstairs?” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Did he fuck you into the headboard one too many times?”

Kendall felt the blush flame her face. “No.”

“No, he didn’t fuck you into the headboard?”
