Page 136 of Crossing Every Line

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“Oh, he did. Kind of. He likes to hold me down, so I don’t tend to do too much in the way of head banging.”

Bells’s blue eyes widened. “He likes to what?”

Kendall smirked. “You were telling a story?”

“You can’t distract me with good sex stories right now. My brain is pudding.”

“Sounds like you have a good kiss story. So why are you so mad at him?”

“I was getting to it.”

She didn’t mean to laugh at her friend, but Bells was a little melodramatic sometimes. “Please, go on.”

“Anyway, there I was ready to do damage, and he lifts me right off the chair and kisses me. Not just any kiss. The perfect kiss. The kind with just the right amount of tongue and lips and heat. A kiss to friggin’ end all kisses.”

“Sounds like my kind of kiss.”

“No, that’s not the kind of kiss I want from a man who just puts me down like it didn’t matter one bit. Like he kisses every woman like that.”

Kendall winced. “I’m sorry, Bells.”

Her best friend sagged against the door leading to the porch. “I’ve kissed a lot of guys. Some have been almost there. Some I’ve even thought knew how to kiss perfectly. But Kain leaves them all in the dust.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

“Ignore him.”

“Belinda Grayson.”

“Hey, he’s going to get on his fancy jet and head back to California. I don’t need bicoastal grief in my life.”

Kendall hugged her. “I’m sorry you had to find the killer kiss in someone who’s not amazing enough to figure out it was magic.”

Bells shrugged and pulled back. “The only thing that sucks is I can’t kiss anyone for a long time. They’re all going to pale in comparison until I put it out of my mind.”

Bells was a serial dater. She didn’t often let it go beyond a few steamy kisses, and she was a fountain of information about dating, but she was rarely without male companionship.

“I feel like I should say I’m sorry again. He’s a friend of mine.”

“I won’t hold it against you. Especially if you give me details on the part about Shane holding you down.”

“What more do you need?”

“I’m usually too much of a control freak to let a guy hold me down. I don’t know if that turns me on or if I’d freak out and deck the guy.”

“I went with turned on. Triple time.”

Bells groaned. “You are a bad woman. Very bad, and I’m very proud of you. But I gotta get out of here and shower off all the humanity that manhandled me at New Year’s.”

“Happy New Year, Bells.”

“Ditto, Ken.”

After walking Bells to the door, she searched out her mother. Lily was in a small circle of friends, so she just stopped in and kissed her cheek and wished the group a Happy New Year.

She showed people out and collected keys from a few who were well beyond the sober status. Luckily everyone found a ride home with friends and neighbors.

When the final guest was tucked upstairs and Lily had gone to find her bed, she changed into jeans and a sweater before she headed to the workshop.
