Page 137 of Crossing Every Line

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Expecting to find the guys sitting around one of Shane’s tables, she was surprised to see the room was empty. She heard dull thuds and followed the sounds to the back of the barn. Shane held the heavy canvas bag as Kain pummeled it with vicious, bare-knuckled jabs.

Kain’s shirt was off, and sweat beaded on his skin, sparkling under the bright three-quarter moon. His chest was smooth, and a tribal tattoo covered one pec. She couldn’t catch the details in the dark, but it was large, black, and detailed.

“Everything okay here?”

Shane turned around, holding the bag with his back. “Kain’s had a rough week. Figured bloodying his knuckles would help a little bit.”

“Is it working?”

Kain increased his blows. “If you see Shane without a bruise or fat lip by morning, it worked.”

“Is frustration part of this equation?” she asked sweetly.

Shane stumbled forward at the one-two combo. “Do you still have an open room at the main house?”

“That’s what I came over to tell you. Kain can stay in the Navy Room when he goes down for the count.”

“Thanks, babe.”

She frowned at Kain one last time and waved. Tired didn’t even cover it. She was ready to pull her blankets up to her chin and blink out.

* * *

The next morning was pure chaos. The Simmons family was heading out, as were the older couple who had shown up midweek. Kain was gone before she’d gotten up. His room was barely disturbed, but there was a depression in the pillow to let her know he’d at least attempted sleep.

Not to mention an envelope with far too much money in it inside her drop box at the main desk. Triple her nightly stay rate along with a note telling her if she was going to be stubborn about the money, to send the rest to charity.

She wasn’t quite as prideful as Shane and happily added it to the receipts. The next few weeks would be light. People were recovering from the holidays and didn’t have the extra money to stay at a B and B.

It was well after two by the time all the cars finally left. She and her mother sagged to the kitchen table.

“Were there bribes on that Web site? How on earth did we get so many people in here at the last minute?”

“That’s a very good question.” Kendall stood and pulled out her laptop. She’d brought it down from her room days ago to check the site, but their guests kept her so busy she hadn’t been able to actually open the stupid thing.

“What’s the story with Kain and Bells?”

Kendall slid a glance at her mother. “Evidently he kissed the stuffing out of her, and instead of enjoying the moment, Bells got pissed off.”

“I would have enjoyed it.”


“I’m not dead, Kendall. He’s hot.”

“Were you hanging out with Micah and Abby?”

Her mother chuckled. “Those girls reminded me of you and Bells when you were younger.”

“We didn’t have that kind of eye candy.”

“No, but you both would chatter about rock stars and actors with the same exuberance. Besides, you don’t need to do the big sighs. You have your very own man now.”

Kendall shifted restlessly in her chair and focused on the computer booting up. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“I’ve noticed this thing going on between you and Shane. So has everyone else. And if I hadn’t known about it before, that kiss on New Year’s set the entire town on fire.”

“Oh, for God’s sakes. Don’t people have other things to talk about?”
