Page 92 of Crossing Every Line

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She was tired of doing everything alone. Was it so wrong to want someone to lean on? He tore his mouth away from hers and pressed her cheek against his chest. His heartbeat roared under her ear. His fingers tunneled through her hair, massaging her scalp, her name a murmur on the wind.

“I touch you, and I forget myself, woman.”

She grinned into the ribbed cotton over his warm chest. “I like that I make you crazy.”

“You would.”

She pulled away and met his gaze. That flicker of wild was still in his eyes, but it was banked. “I’m assuming you came out here for a reason.”

“I’m doing the final walk-through with Doyle in a few minutes. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.”

“Yeah?” The bands around her chest that had felt so restrictive a little while ago loosened with pleasure. Tomorrow and New York were coming soon enough. For now she’d see just what he could do in a week.

“I pushed the crew hard last night, and we were able to finish up. I’m lucky the tires on my truck aren’t slashed.”

“You definitely earned your title this week.”

“You had to tell them that fucking nickname.”

“I’m sure they only said it behind your back.”

“Not bloody likely.”

She laughed. “Oh, no. Really?”

He lifted a brow. “Really.”

She cupped his face and smoothed her thumbs over his scruffy cheeks. He might have cleaned up the beard a little, but it was still there. “My Oscar.”

His brow gentled from the stern lines of dismay. So fierce, her Oscar. “Do you want to head out tonight?”

“Could we?”

He grasped her hand and pressed a quick kiss to her palm. “We’ll get moving before sunset.”

“Are you sure you won’t be too tired?”

“We’ll drive until I burn out.”


He pushed back and got to his feet, dragging her up with him. “Let’s go get that bonus check. I damn well deserve it.”

He kept her hand in his as his long legs ate up the golden field. The old stables blurred by, and the mountain view remained her one constant. That and the man who was dragging her off on another adventure.

The new stables came into view. The A-line main structure with the Doyle Ranch brand above the iron and wood doors was impressive. Instead of going with a dark stain, William Doyle had decided to leave the white pine color naked save for a protective varnish. It made everything look softer and cleaner against the severe black wrought iron.

Will stood outside the door, his hat tipped back as he surveyed the building. Shane stopped beside him, the two men silent as they looked over the building. Shane’s shrewd eyes scanned the tidy gravel path. Will, however, had a huge smile on his face.

“I can’t believe you pulled it off. Better than I imagined too.”

“Justice delivers.” Shane’s voice was steady and calm.

Kendall felt a pang in her chest. Maybe this Justice delivered. He would be the first one in her experience.

“Well, let’s go inside and take a look, shall we?”

Shane nodded and waited for Doyle to pull the broad doors open. “There’s a keypad there that was installed this morning as we were finishing up. The steel pins bolt through the top and the bottom of the door to secure the barn. Especially here, with the expensive equipment for your vet.”
