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“For now,” I say laughing as he starts kissing me again. We don’t leave our bed for hours.

* * *

Two Weeks Later

“Baby talk to me. What’s wrong?” I was supposed to be reading, but I’ve been staring at the same page for a while now.

“You haven’t said anything about the baby since we found out.” He looks stunned for a minute and then contrite.

“Shit, baby. I think I was shocked. I mean logically I knew it was bound to happen. Hell, I have been trying to breed you since the moment you gave me that cherry, but hearing you say it and seeing the evidence on that test, made it real and knocked the wind out of my sails. In a good way of course.” I search his eyes for deception and immediately feel guilty. He has shown me nothing but honesty and love.

“So you’re happy about it?” I just need to hear him say it.

“Damn right I am. As a matter of fact, I was wondering if you wanted to make a doctor’s appointment with Dr. Blake.” Suddenly I feel like an idiot. I should have thought of it. I think Dr. Blake is the better choice, because Carter would be awkward as all get out.

“That would be great.”

Lucky for us this town is small and with no women other than the older women of the retired folk who have lived here their whole lives, the doctor’s office doesn’t get much business. We get an appointment immediately and right now we are sitting in the room waiting to be seen. “Are you nervous?” Jasper asks, rubbing my back.

“No. More like excited to have it confirmed and get a due date. Then I can tell my sisters.”

“I can’t wait until we can find out what it is.”

“Does it matter to you?” Most men want sons first.

“Not at all. I will love a son or a daughter. I just want to decorate the nursery.” A laugh burst out of my mouth at his answer. I did not expect that. My husband is full of surprises.

“Mr. and Mrs. Sutton. Nice to see you again, Jasper. It’s been a while. This must be your lovely wife.”

“Yes. This is my Sadie.” I shake his hand and take a deep breath.

“So, I understand you have had a positive pregnancy test?”

“Yes. About two weeks ago.” I tell him, wiping my hand on the office gown they give you. Suddenly I am nervous and anxious. What if the test was incorrect? What if I have gotten his hopes up and I am not pregnant?

“Alright. Lie back on the table and lift the grown up. I am going to do an internal ultrasound since you are likely too early for an abdominal one.” Jasper walks up to me and holds my hand. He gives me a reassuring smile and we both wait while the doctor gets everything set.

“What’s that noise?” It sounds like we are inside of a whale or something. All around me I hear what sounds like an echo.

“That is your baby's heartbeat.” Oh my God. It’s real.

“Jasper,” I say his name and hiccup trying to fight back tears but losing. He leans over and kisses my forehead.

“I hear it, baby. I hear it.” His eyes are glistening with unshed tears, and it makes this moment even more special. “That sounds fast. Is it normal?” My husband asks the doctor.

“Yes. Fetal heartbeats are always accelerated. Now let’s see. By these measurements I would say you are approximately eight weeks along which would put your due date at early March of next year.” I am so busy listening to proof of the life inside of me that I miss everything else the doctor says. That is also why I love my husband. As much I miss, he misses nothing. I don’t have to worry about not knowing what was said. He will tell me.

We both walk out of the doctor’s office, shell shocked and so darn happy. “Well, that happened.” he says, making a joke. Giggling, I lean over the seat and kiss him.

“Thank you, for being you, babe.” He gives me his sexy smirk and drives us home. The word home has a new meaning now. This is the house where we are going to raise our children. This is the home where we will be a family. This is the home my husband brought me to when he was a relative stranger and showed me and my sisters that there are good people in the world. But most of all, this is the home where I fell in love with my husband.

“Are you ready to start our future, baby?” He lifts my hand and kisses it.

“I am, Jas. I am ready for anything as long as it is with you.”

“The same, wife. The same. I love you, baby.”

“I love you, husband.”
