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I would get on a flight this instant and head to New York if I weren’t so exhausted. I follow Sergio back to his home and go straight to bed in one of the spare rooms. But I lie awake all night, wishing morning to come more quickly.

Sergio knocks on my door early next morning and I quickly jump off from the bed. I managed to get only a few minutes of sleep but I'm as active as a deer. My flight leaves at 7:00 a.m. Iquickly take a shower, down a cup of coffee, and bolt through the door. I might be dead if I wait another day to see her.

I agonize over every minute of the 12-hour flight. It’s about 8:00 p.m. when I arrive in New York. The weather is cold and I'm tired from the long flight, but I must see Ella right away. I've rehearsed everything this time around and I have to say it all this evening before my head explodes. I look up Ella’s address that Grace gave me, which I had saved on my cell phone and flag down a taxi. When I finally arrive at the address, I notice movement in the apartment unit. Thankfully, Ella must be home. I ring the doorbell and patiently wait for a response, praying that everything goes as I planned.

Ella opens the door and takes a step back when she sees me. My eyes trail down to her bosom instinctively. She catches the gesture and covers it with her hands. "What are you looking at?"

"I'm sorry, that’s not… It was just a natural thing to do." When my eyes return to her face, I forget my rehearsed speech. All I want to do is take her up in my arms and kiss her but instead the words blurt out, "I—I love you, Ella."

I wait for a response, but she just stares at me silently. I have never faced any worse form of torture in my life. "Go away asshole." She says and turns to close the door.

"No! Ella, I'm not going anywhere. These past few weeks have been tormenting. I’m glad though because it's made me realize that I love you and I want you to be a part of me. And our kid, too. I can't imagine living any other way."

"Say that again," she says with her face still turned away from me.

"I love you, Ella."

"No, the part about our baby."

"I want to be a part of you and our baby’s life."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Yes! Ella, every word of it."

"… I haven't thought about anything else but you these past few weeks either.”

My heart leaps for joy at the melody of those words and I simultaneously go down on one knee. "I don't have a ring but…"

"Yes, Antonio! It’s a yes." Her whisper echoes in my heart as she bends into me to plant her lips firmly on mine.



If anyone had told me I'd be marrying Antonio four months ago, I'd think they were out of their minds. Yet here we are. Today is our wedding day. It feels all very surreal. He looks even more handsome than the first time I met him. His jet-black hair is well combed, and his dark eyes are glistening as he looks at me. His lips part to expose his perfectly arranged teeth as my veil falls behind my head and I can't help but present my brightest smile. Today is the happiest day of my life.

Antonio had decided to go with the maroon-colored suit after much debate and it looks simply exquisite on him. My dress is made of white silk with beautiful embellishments throughout. Grace is supporting me as my maid of honor. I can feel her beaming behind me in her teal silk dress. Sergio is serving as Antonio’s best man, of course. Dressed in the exact same colors as Antonio, and their hair styled the same way, one would think they were twins.

Antonio had expressed the idea of a small wedding and I liked the thought of only having those closest to us. And I'm glad we followed through as I glance across the hall at all the familiar smiling faces. There are no strangers.

My mom has a proud look on her face. My brothers are by her side all suited up like responsible gentlemen. Antonio’sparents are seated in the groom's family section. His dad is all smiles, even his mom, who took a while for me to get accustomed to, is grinning widely.

My attention returns to Antonio as the priest urges us to take our vows. Antonio goes first, taking the words one at a time and staring directly into my eyes. He finishes with a wink and that’s when I begin. My heart is racing with joy and the first few words come out like a whisper before I manage to compose myself.

With the vows complete, the priest continues with the rest of the routine. I am impatient and desperately want him to pronounce us as husband and wife… because there is nothing more I want in my life. When the priest finally concludes, without waiting for a prompt or permission, I lean towards Antonio and embrace him with my kiss as the wedding attendees implode with laughter and clapping.

When we eventually pull away from the kiss, the look I see in Antonio’s eyes gives me all the reassurance I need. I close my eyes, so the moment is etched eternally in my memory. This is my happily ever after.

The End.
