Page 12 of A Knotty Bargain

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“I want her.”

One black brow rose, blood-red lips pursing as her hand paused in her pet’s hair.

“That much is obvious. The question is, do you only want the shiny new toy, or do you want something more permanent?”

My chest clenched even as I scoffed at the question. I’d had enough of toys. I was done with disposable women.

“She’s mine.”

I couldn’t keep the growl from my voice.

Madame nodded, still holding my gaze as her fingers began to move again.

“The outcome you desire should direct your actions. Be careful not to do damage on accident. Consider how she may view your moves in the game.”

I knew Cadence was hardworking and independent. She loved her family and was willing to sacrifice herself to take care of them, but she’d told me herself she didn’t want a knight in shining armor.

Or any more debt.

Looking at it from her point of view, she would likely see what I’d done as going against her wishes. At least until I had a chance to explain to her.

No matter which way I viewed it, I was manipulating her, and my stomach soured. Having Cadencechooseme, not forced to be with me, was what I really wanted.

“I can’t do anything about her view until she talks to me.”

I saw the flash of understanding in Madame’s eyes as a sly smile tipped the corner of her painted lips.

“It’s always fun to let them think they are the ones doing the chasing.”

She glanced down at the young man she was petting. His cheek rested in her lap, curly blond hair stroked back from his face. His eyes were closed, a content smile on his face, and I briefly envisioned Cadence in a similar position with me. In public, yet comfortable with her vulnerability, trusting me to protect her.

Would she ever let down her guard? I’d kept some of my more deviant tastes under control while I’d had her, but there were so many things I wanted to do to her.

“Don’t wait too long if she doesn’t make her move. The longer a wound festers, the longer it takes to heal. She might think you’re playing a different game than the one you intended.”

Madame was done with me, so I thanked her before continuing to the stairs. Thinking about what she’d said, I could see how my plan might backfire and drive Cadence further away.

I wouldn’t let that happen.

I’d give her a week. It was the end of the month, so she was bound to look at her accounts soon. One glance would show her that most of them had been paid in full.

If she didn’t come to me by next Sunday, I’d give in and go to her. It was hard to predict how she’d react when she realized I’d done more than simply fix her car, and I didn’t want to cause greater issues between us than the ones we already had.

The night passed and I returned home in the early morning hours. I rarely stayed until the club closed, preferring to keep more regular hours, but I’d found myself staying later to keep myself distracted.

Just the sight of my bed brought back the memories of the one night I’d had with Cadence, and it was growing harder to contain my impatience. I hadn’t been interested in any other woman since I’d met her, beta or omega, and no matter how many times I’d tried to relieve myself, it didn’t work.

I wanted her.


I sighed as I laid down, ignoring my aching cock. Though the sheets had been changed and washed, I still imagined I caught her scent surrounding me. She haunted me, and I needed the real woman back in my bed to make it better.

Would she build a nest for us if she was here longer than a few hours?

Would being near me more often finally drive her into heat?

Turning over, I closed my eyes and thought of the kisses I’d stolen Friday night. Her response had been obvious. No matter the words that came from those pretty lips, she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. I only needed to give her a bit more time and encouragement to see that she’d never be able to stay away.
