Page 25 of A Knotty Bargain

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I gave a mute nod, letting my instincts guide me. Too much had happened, and my mind was still muddled from trying to process it all, plus the explosive orgasms. It felt like everything I’dknownwas turning out to be wrong.

Leo let it drop, giving me the space I wanted as I took a step away, though my chest ached when his purr faded away. We both stood in silence for a moment before he picked up his jacket from the floor and shrugged into it.

“I’d love for you stay with me a bit longer, but if you need to go…”

He trailed off, giving me the opening I needed. I lifted my eyes back to his and forced a tight smile, reaching for where he’d set my purse.

“I’m sorry, I do. I need to figure out…”

Everything, my mind said, but my throat closed up and refused to let me say anything more through the clump of emotions swirling inside.

Leo’s face had closed off when I glanced up, but I couldn’t worry about having disappointed him. He’d changed the rules, and I needed to think through the consequences of agreeing to this deal.

I took a hesitant step toward the door but flinched when he moved to intercept me. His hand rose to the back of my neck as he leaned forward to press his lips to my forehead, giving it a soft kiss before releasing me.

“Be safe. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Chapter Seventeen


Lust still hummed through my veins, my cock hard despite the release. I’d had to think about work to make my knot go down, otherwise I’d still have been locked inside her. I was disappointed Cadence wouldn’t stay longer, but I knew she felt like she needed time to think.

It would be nice if she’d stop thinking so much and start letting herself feel. She was as drawn to me as I was her, but she was still trying to deny it was more than a physical craving.

It was obvious what she was trying to do with her rules. She wanted to put a wall between us. To protect her heart by keeping our relationship purely about sex.

I wasn’t going to let that happen. She was too good for something like that, and fucking her wasn’t all I wanted. I needed to take care of her and show her she was meant to be mine.

Peeling my eyes from the door she’d closed behind her, my lips ticked up when I caught sight of my desk again. With the light hitting it just right, there were two perfect, round prints from her breasts. The flush that had lit her skin when she’d seen it was something I’d never forget, and I was tempted to take a picture so I could show it to her again later.

As much as I enjoyed it, I moved to pull a wipe from the drawer to clean the evidence away. I’d told her I would, and even if I hadn’t made the promise, I found myself not wanting anyone else to see it.

Everything about her was mine. I controlled what was allowed to be exposed, and this moment had been just for us.

We could always see if she liked voyeurism later.

I grinned as I rubbed the sweat away and pulled out a can of deodorizer to take care of the lingering scent of our pheromones and fluids. By the time my desk was returned to the state it had been before our tryst, my erection had eased enough that I wasn’t as worried about splitting my slacks at the seams.

Cadence thought I would grow bored with her once I’d had my fill, but each taste of her assured me I wanted more, not less. My half-swollen knot and the tent in my pants was proof.

Buttoning my suit jacket, I ran a hand through my hair again before stepping out of the office. My men knew to keep an eye on Cadence and be sure she wasn’t bothered inside the club, but I needed to know she got home safely.

Slipping out the back, I climbed into my car and pulled around the building to watch the parking lot. I wasn’t sure where her car was, but she’d come early enough that she should have been able to find a spot in the main lot, and I could see the exit from where I idled in the alley beside the building. It wasn’t long until her old silver Toyota came into view and turned down the road.

I gave it a few seconds before pulling out behind her, keeping my headlights off until we passed a few blocks and she turned another corner. It was strange driving the speed limit when I was so used to blowing through the city, but Cadence was cautious, and I appreciated that, so I kept to her pace.

I had to hang back further once we left downtown and entered the suburbs where she lived. I didn’t want to scare her, but I also wouldn’t be able to rest until I knew she was home. She smelled like slick and sex, and she might not be safe if she stopped anywhere along the way.

Once she turned onto the stretch where her car had broken down, what seemed like forever ago, I turned off my headlights again. There were few streetlights, and my black car was difficult to notice on a dark road.

I slowed further as she approached her street, hanging back until I was sure she should be in her driveway. Crawling to the corner, I stopped and watched her porch. I wished there was a way I could install an alarm system on her doors and windows, but it would be too hard to explain where it came from to her family.

That neon yellow dress was obvious even without a porch light, and I couldn’t help grinning as I spotted her crossing to the front door. As awful as it was, she pulled it off in a way I doubted many women could.

I waited a few minutes after she disappeared inside, watching her house and the surrounding area to be sure everything was quiet. She was right that being associated with me could put a target on her back, but everything seemed normal, and I had people who would let me know if they heard anything about someone targeting anyone connected to us.

A light came on upstairs on the east side of the house. The rest remained dark and quiet, so I assumed her family was asleep and she’d made it in without issue.
