Page 24 of A Knotty Bargain

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I needed to plan for the future.

Neither of us spoke as we waited for Leo’s knot to soften. Eventually he was able to pull out, the gush of fluid down my thigh making me grimace. Taking a step to the side, he tucked himself back into his pants as I pushed up on my hands. Within a moment his shirt was straightened, and a quick hand through his hair left him looking as if nothing had happened, while I was still bent over his desk, half-naked, with a mess dripping down my legs.

It was unfair.

I was surprised when he reached out as I tried to move off his desk, keeping me bent over as he moved my panties back into place and tugged my skirt down over my bottom. He steadied me as I straightened and pulled the top of the dress up to cover my breasts. He adjusted the back of it for me so it was smooth and in the proper place, and while I was covered again, I knew anyone who got within arm’s reach of either of us would be aware of what had happened in this office.

My cheeks flushed, but the thought also had my core clenching again and warmth spreading through my chest. Carrying his scent pleased my omega side, and that animalistic part wanted to go home and rub his seed on my nest.

I’d worn the dress and stockings knowing what it would lead to. I could even admit I had wanted it to happen, but I hadn’t expected it to be here at the club. I’d thought he would take me back to his place like he had the last time, and then I could slink home from there, hopefully after a shower.

Not have to go parading through a club full of people with his cum dripping down my thighs, and then sneak into my house for a shower before too much of his scent spread. I couldn’t let it linger where Momma or Michael might smell it.

Leo cupped my cheek while he ran his other hand through my hair. It kept getting caught in tangles, and I knew it would be hopeless without a brush, but it was sweet that he tried.

“Do you have a hair tie?”

The question caught me by surprise, and it took a moment for my brain to catch up.

“In—in my purse, I think.”

His hand left my cheek, cool air taking its place against my skin. I shivered as he leaned over and righted my bag, rifling though it before holding up a black rubber band in triumph.

“Turn,” he ordered as he straightened.

Figuring it wasn’t likely he could make things worse, I did as he said, spinning to face the desk again as he moved closer to my back. He gathered my hair, but I was too distracted by the state of what was in front of me to pay attention to what he was doing.

His previously neat desk was a wreck.

The laptop that had sat to the right was precariously close to falling off the edge. The neat stack of papers that had been on the left, I spotted strewn across the floor, along with the missing wireless mouse.

And the previously glossy surface was smeared with sweat, the round prints of my breasts blatant where they’d been pressed to the wood.

My blush was so strong I could feel the heat rising from my skin to sting my eyes. Leo released my hair just in time for me to jerk my head to the side, hand raised to cover my face in a bid to hide from my embarrassment. The chuckle behind me did nothing to soothe the mortification.

“I should leave it like that so I can remember this each time I walk in.”

My eyes flashed to his as I let out a gasp of dismay. His smirk widened into a real grin before he reached out to take my hand and pull me against him.

“I won’t since it makes you uncomfortable, but I can’t promise I won’t be thinking about it every time I’m in here. And pretty much constantly until I’m inside you again.”

My mind was stumbling over itself, unable to come up with anything to say as he leaned down to kiss me again. He was still purring, and a fresh erection dug into my hip. A chill ran down my spine at the thought that he was ready for more so soon, and my nipples tightened as more wetness soaked into my drenched thong.

But there was already a dull ache each time I moved from how hard he’d taken me and then being stretched around his knot after so long since the last time. I’d loved it, but I needed to think of something else to quell the growing buzz of fresh arousal if I didn’t want to be sore in the morning.

“I’m sure I’m not the only memory you have in here.”

The words came out soft, with more petulance than I’d meant to show. There were no scents in the room but Leo’s and the slight hint of another alpha, but I knew scents could be covered. I tried to avoid Leo’s gaze because I didn’t want to see if I was right, but he caught my chin and forced me to look up at him.

“I’ve never had another woman in this office, omega or beta. Or another male, in that way. I’m beginning to think I should be offended by the low opinion you apparently have of me.”

I swallowed hard, caught in those green orbs and unable to deny his accusation. I had assumed the usual stereotypes of rich alphas were true without paying attention to Leo’s actions. If I’d met him under different circumstances and didn’t know what he was involved in, I never would have fought the pull between us.

Despiteknowing,andthe things I’d assumed, I kept coming back to him anyway.

I tugged my chin from his grasp, dropping my eyes to the floor as I mumbled an apology. He was silent for a beat before responding.

“I’ll accept that this once, but next time, I expect you to look me in the eye when you apologize.”
