Page 27 of A Knotty Bargain

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There was no lying to my father. He’d know in an instant, and then he’d punish me for it. I might be beyond getting grounded to my room, but I remembered my father taking toys and breaking them in front of me to teach me a lesson about defiance and loyalty.

I wouldn’t risk Cadence getting broken.

I let my spine relax as I cleared my throat, trying to project confidence. My thoughts were rushing to come up with something to say that would get my father to back off without giving away too much.

“Yes,” I admitted slowly.

I wasn’t going to volunteer more than what was asked for, but my father was like a hound on the hunt who’d caught the scent of prey.

“Who is she? Someone I know? Part of the family?”

“Yes, you have met her, but no she’s not one of ours. She doesn’t have any ties, and we’re keeping things quiet for now.”

He studied me for a moment in silence. Despite being a grown alpha, my father could still make me sweat, and it was hard to keep from fidgeting under his regard.

I knew what he was capable of. There was a reason people were scared of him.

Did I say he had a conscience? He kept it burieddeep.

“You’ve never mentioned a girl before, it must be serious.”

He paused, waiting for a response I refused to give. Eventually he sighed and went back to puffing on his cigar.

“You better be sure she doesn’t have any ties, and I expect to meet her. Soon. If you’re not bonded or the wedding’s not being planned by fall, then I’m talking to Dimitri.”

I was so stunned it took me a minute to pick my jaw up and try to argue, but I knew by the look on my father’s face, he was serious. I had no problem making Cadence mine officially, whether by bonding or marriage, but I knew she didn’t see things the same way, and it was going to take time to convince her.

“It’s too soon for that!”

My father shrugged.

“That’s why I gave you till fall. If you’re not sure about her by then, it’s not meant to be, and there would be no reason you couldn’t marry Dimitri’s daughter.”

My eyes narrowed as I fought back a growl.

“I’mnot the one that needs convincing,” I muttered under my breath.

He must have heard me because his face split in the biggest grin I had ever seen on him. Laughing, he shook his head as he leaned back in his seat.

“She must be a smart girl.”

Chapter Eighteen


Istill wasn’t sure how to feel the next morning as I rode the bus to the office. I hadn’t told my brother about the debts being paid because I hadn’t been sure about Leo, but he’d raised a brow at me when I walked in yesterday with more groceries than we could usually afford. I told him I had a bit of extra money and left it at that, and we’d made the best dinner we’d had in a while.

It was a good thing I hadn’t said anything if I was going to do what Leo wanted. I could never explain what was going on to Michael, so letting him think I was still working at the diner would be the best way to avoid that conversation.

Sighing, I leaned my head against the window and looked out at the dreary streets passing by. It was overcast and rainy and matched my mood perfectly.

It was strange to think I was going to give up one of my jobs. Frankie’s had been the first place I ever worked, and I couldn’t help the panic that rose inside at the thought of quitting. Despite knowing the house was ours and I no longer had to worry about that payment, it still seemed wrong to stop waitressing.

What if Momma got worse? What if the car broke down again?

I knew it wasn’t quite logical, but I also knew Leo was right about the hours and the stress. I’d been working both jobs since I’d graduated, and it was taking a toll on my body. I half believed the exhaustion and stress were why I hadn’t gone into heat yet. My days off from one were spent sleeping as much as I could or running errands that had to be done in the few hours I had away from the other, and there was no way to deny the appeal of only having to worry about my regular hours at the office.

Especially once Michael left for college and I’d be taking care of Momma on my own.
