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The two of them nod at each other, and Carter looks at me, his expression blank. He smiles politely, as though I’m yet another acquaintance, and then he turns back to Layla, dismissing me.

“Small towns, huh?” Sam says, shaking his head. He asks me what I want to eat and walks me through some of the dishes he thinks sound interesting, but all I can focus on is Carter.

I watch as Layla leans back in her seat and slips her foot out of her high heeled stiletto. From this angle I can see the lone shoe between the legs of her chair, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out where her foot might be. I watch Carter’s face as his eyes widen and he smirks at Layla, his eyes twinkling.

I feel sick as I tear my eyes away. He’s going home with her, I just know it. Worse yet, he might bring her back to his house. I bite down on my lip so hard that I end up drawing blood, and I inhale deeply as I try my best to stay calm.

I barely eat more than three bites throughout dinner, but somehow, I manage to have a conversation with Sam. Somehow, I manage to keep him from suspecting that something is wrong.

My heart is hurting so badly by the time that dinner wraps up that I’m surprised I’m still able to smile at Sam. He looks happy and content, and that’s all that should matter.

We rise from our seats, and I can feel Carter’s eyes on me. Sam wraps his arm around my waist and leans in for a kiss. I freeze, my eyes finding Carter.

It’s not me he’s looking at, though. It’s Layla. He looks up at me just as I let my eyes fall closed and kiss Sam back, properly, for the first time since he got here.

Chapter 33


Graham nods at me politely as I step out of the car, and I need to remember to give the guy a bonus. He didn’t even blink twice when I asked him to pick me up at the local bar way past his working hours.

I inhale deeply and walk into the house, needing another fucking drink. Though I doubt that’ll burn away the image of Emilia kissing Sam. I shouldn’t have provoked her. I shouldn’t have pushed her into his arms.

I walk into the living room, my mind torturing me with scenario after scenario of what Emilia and Sam must have done after they got home. I saw the look in her eyes when she saw me with Layla. I saw the shock, the pain, and eventually, the determination. I know what my Minx is like. My impulsive jealous actions today will cost me everything. I never should have called Layla. It wasn’t her I wanted anyway. All I could see all night was Emilia.

I run a hand through my hair and walk straight to the liquor cart in the corner, pouring myself a drink. I’m surprised when I notice movement from the corner of my eye, and I turn to find Emilia standing in the doorway. My eyes roam over her body and I grit my teeth. She looks fucking sexy in that nightgown, and I know it isn’t for me.

“If you’re standing here right now, you clearly weren’t fucked good enough, hard enough. Your little boyfriend not cutting it?” I say, my tone biting.

Emilia’s eyes roam over my body, lingering on my clothes, as though she’s checking whether everything is still properly in place. I see insecurity in her eyes, and right at this second, I hate it. I hate that she keeps giving me hope, that she keeps making me think she still has feelings for me too.

“If you’re home now Layla clearly isn’t cutting it either,” she says.

I laugh and look up at the clock. “It’s two in the morning. Who says I didn’t just spend hours fucking her brains out?”

She walks up to me, her eyes flashing with an emotion I can’t quite place. “So you need to be drunk to fuck her? Interesting.”

I grit my teeth and pull her closer, my hand threading through her hair. “Maybe I do. Maybe a drink or two makes it easier to pretend she’s you. Maybe I just sank my dick deep inside her, all the while imagining it was you I was fucking.”

I laugh mirthlessly. “Or maybe I just wanted to get laid, Emilia. Maybe I just wanted to spend a night with a woman who actually wants me. Who isn’t dating someone else, who isn’t playing with my fucking feelings.”

I tighten my grip on her hair and pull her closer, her face so close to mine that I could easily lean down and kiss her. “Either way, why would you even care who I fuck, Emilia? I saw the way you kissed Sam tonight. I saw the way he touched you, the look in his eyes. Did you want him? Did you spread your legs for him tonight?”

My eyes drop down to her nightgown and I trace the edge of her strap with my fingers. “This sexy little thing you’re wearing, is that all for him?” I ask, my voice breaking. “If you were mine, you’d be too fucking exhausted to be up and about now. You never would’ve even gotten round to putting on a nightgown, because you’d have fallen asleep in my arms.”

Emilia looks at me with wide eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “I’d rip that dress you were wearing off you the second I got you alone, leaving you standing there in nothing but your underwear and your heels. I’d kis you until your lips are all swollen and you’re panting, needy. I’d undo your bra, letting it fall to the floor, and your nipples would already be hard, ready for my lips.”

I tilt her head up so she’s looking into my eyes, and part of me feels vindicated when I see desire in her eyes. “My mouth would be hot and wet on your skin, and you’d moan for me, a shiver running down your spine. You’d already be wet by the time my fingers push your underwear aside to give you a taste of what is to come.”

She’s panting and I press her against the wall, my cock pressed up against her stomach. I’m so fucking hard that it hurts.

“I’d sit you down and drop to my knees, my tongue finding its way between your legs. I’d make you come just like that, with your hands in my hair and my name on your lips. And that’d be just the start of what I’d do to you.”

I take a step back and pinch her chin. “But you aren’t mine, Emilia. You’ve made it clear you won’t ever give me a chance again. You’ve shown me you’ve moved on. So every single thing I just described? Every bit of passion and desire? I gave all of it to Layla, and she fucking loved it. I watched her come for me, the image burning away every thought of you,” I whisper, lying to her.

Emilia swallows hard, pain flashing through her eyes. It’s nothing compared to how she’s made me feel every single time I see her with Sam.

“But I’m sure you don’t give a fuck about any of that, do you? For a while I thought you did. Until today. Until I saw you rise to your tiptoes to kiss him the way you always used to kiss me. I get it now, Emilia. You’ve moved on. It’s time I do, too.”
