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“You know I’m always here if you need help, right? Whether that’s tutoring or anything else. I’m always here for you, Kate. I know it gets overwhelming very quickly, moving out and being on your own. But you’re never alone, baby sis. I’m always here, okay?”

She nods and the look in her eyes tells me I got through to her. I exhale in relief and rise. I need to try harder to look after her. I need to keep a better eye on her and make sure I’m there for her more than I have been so far.

Chapter 21


I’m just about finishing up dinner when my dad walks in. He pauses by the doorway and stares at me for a couple of seconds before he walks toward me. I’m startled when he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

“You’re back, kiddo,” he murmurs. I nod against his chest and hug him back. I can’t even remember the last time he hugged me. It must’ve been when I was still a kid.

Dad pulls back and looks at me, his face revealing how emotional he’s feeling. “Hey, Dad,” I murmur, and he smiles.

His eyes follow me as I serve us dinner. It’s almost like he can’t believe I’m really here. I haven’t actually been gone that long. It’s only been a few months.

While I was at college, I felt like he didn’t think of me at all and part of me wondered if he might actually be happy that I left, but considering how he’s looking at me now, that can’t be true.

Dad takes a bite of his food and smiles. “This is delicious, Emilia,” he murmurs. I grin at him happily. Before I left home having dinner together was just as rare as it is now, but back then he didn’t actually seem to appreciate my cooking, nor did he think of us having dinner together as quality time.

“I may not have said this, Princess… but the house hasn’t been the same without you. I’ve missed you a lot. I’m not very good at saying these things, but that doesn’t mean I don’t think about you. The house has been so quiet without you, and the weekends are so bleak. I’m very happy to have you back home for a few weeks.”

I blink and nod , scared my voice will wobble if I speak now. He missed me? Dad and I aren’t very close — we haven’t been close in years, but tonight it feels like he’s my Dad again.

“I missed you too, Daddy,” I murmur. He looks at me, his eyes suspiciously shiny. I never thought of him as an emotional man and usually he isn’t, but it seems being so far away from me hasn’t been easy on him.

“How is college? Are you enjoying it?”

I nod and repeat the same things I told Helen. I’m surprised when Dad hangs onto my every word. He wants to know about all the different people I’ve met and every class I’m taking, and I answer all his questions.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Princess. I’m relieved to know you have the Clarke kids with you. You guys have always had each other’s backs and I know you will now too. It’s good to know Carter is there to protect you if need be.”

I smile. If only Dad knew… in his eyes, it’d probably be Carter I need protection from. Though, if it ever came down to it, I know Carter would be there for me no matter what.

I yawn and make my way up the stairs, eager for a shower and my bed. It feels weird to be back in my old bedroom. I’ve only been away for a few months, but my room already doesn’t feel the same anymore. It’s weird to think I feel more at home in my dorm room. I rush through a shower and walk back into my bedroom wrapped in a large fluffy towel.

I glance out the window to find Carter walking through his room. He’s wearing his old pajama bottoms, but he’s not wearing a top. He’s got a towel raised to his head and stares at his phone as he dries his hair. He must’ve just gotten out of the shower too. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to see him through our windows. It’s strange, I guess, but I missed this. Messing with each other through our windows is one of those things I didn’t realize I loved until it was no longer possible. In the last two years he’d keep his curtains resolutely closed, physically shutting me out. I’m glad we’re slowly getting back to where we used to be.

Carter looks up and catches me staring. He grins and looks back down. Seconds later, my phone buzzes on my nightstand. I frown as I walk over to grab it and smile when I realize Carter just texted me.

Devil: Being a peeping tom again?

My cheeks turn crimson and I pray he can’t tell from all the way over there. I can’t believe he knew I was watching him back in high school.

Emilia: Aw, don’t talk about yourself that way. Though, granted, it’s weird that you stare at girls in their towels. You creep.

Devil: I only ever stare at you, Minx. How does it feel to have your own personal creep?

Emilia: I’m kind of flattered.

Devil: Now who’s the creep?

I chuckle and glance up to find him standing in front of his window. He’s leaning against the windowpane and looking at me.

Devil: This is nice

Emilia: I was just thinking that

Devil: The last time I remember seeing you through our windows, you were with Landon. Pretty sure I kept my curtains closed ever since.
