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"It's best to give her some time," Blair says from behind them. "Let her rest and recover for a bit and then you can come back in a few days."

"A fewdays?" I ask. It sounds like an eternity. "Is she ill?"

"Notillper say, justaffected," Sybil clarifies. Her words are still too ambiguous for me to understand what she means. "Lucian, just give her some time and come back later."

Before I can protest or even jam my foot in the door, the witches shut it firmly.

I stand outside the coven building frustrated and unsure what to do. Elspeth wouldn't abandon me, and I don't want to walk away and abandon her now either. But if the coven won't let me inside then there isn't much I can do. I could shift and try to break into the coven building, but I don't feel right about going against them after all they've done to help me. Plus, if Elspeth is feeling unwell, then that will just upset her even more.

I pace around the outside of the building, looking up at the windows and wishing I could see inside. It's unusual for her to be staying here. Elspeth would rather be at home in her apartment with her garden and comfortable bed if she isn't feeling well, which means that this must be more serious than the witches implied.

"I'm not leaving," I grumble to myself. I'm filled with nervous energy that has no place to go. I refuse to go back to the den or my apartment without seeing Elspeth and making sure that she is okay.

Fordays, I stalk and pace around the building, unable to get inside to see Elspeth no matter how many times I knock on the door and shout at the windows. I can't get any answers from the other witches, even when one of them decides to take pity on me and poke their head out to tell me to "be patient" and "go home and wait this out." But I can't go home and wait this out because I don't even know what "this"is. I have no idea what Elspeth is dealing with, and I really wish her coven sisters would be more forthcoming and just tell me.

Finally, when I am about to literally lose my mind, Elspeth emerges.

She steps out of the coven building and starts to walk in the direction of her apartment.

"Elspeth!" I call out as I rush up her.

There is somethingverywrong. I can feel it in my bones. I want to throw my arms around her, but I don't out of fear that I will startle or hurt her. "Elspeth, what happened? Why have you been inside so long? Are you okay?"

"Hello," she responds in a voice that is withdrawn and distant. It doesn't sound like her. She doesn'tlooklike herself either. "I'm glad to see you're well."

She is dressed strangely, wearing long black gloves and dark sunglasses even though it's nearly dusk. Her sparkling eyes are hidden, and her pale hair is tied up in tight braids.

"I'm fine. I just need some time alone."

"Time alone? But why? Are you upset with me? Did something happen?" I ask in confusion. "The other witches said the magic you used caused some problems."

She doesn't answer me. She just keeps walking toward her apartment. I keep pace beside her and continue trying to talk to her, but she just keeps repeating that she's glad I've recovered and reiterates that she needs some time alone now.

Elspeth steps inside her apartment building, closing the door behind her without a word and disappearing as I stand there wondering what the hell is going on. Short of forcing myself in and ripping off her sunglasses to try and see the truth hiding in her eyes, there is nothing that I can do but wait.

I'm not patient by nature, and this is absolute torture.

To distract myself, I return to the pack. Neither Gregory not Renna has any helpful advice or any insight as to what could have happened to Elspeth.

"I suppose you'll just have to wait it out," Renna says with a shrug. "I don't think there is much more you can do until Elspeth is ready to talk to you."

"I agree." Gregory nods. "When she's ready, she'll find you."

I'm confused and distraught, but I know they're right. So, I try my best to simplywait.

More days pass, and Elspeth still won't talk to me. I haven't even seen her leave her apartment.

Eventually, I can't stand it any longer, so I sneak into her garden and watch her through the window like I used to.

But she must sense I'm there because she keeps her curtains closed, even during the day, and locks the windows so I can't come in without breaking the glass.

Why is she doing this?

As I sit outside beneath the moonlight, staring at the beige curtains, I wonder maybe she's fallen in love with someone else. But I quickly dismiss that idea from my mind and shake my head to clear it. The coven witches said the dark magic affected her. But will she return to her old self?


