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"What threat?" she asks in surprise. "Is it the vampires? Is that why they were in the alley fighting with your pack? I thought it might have been one of your wolves that started it, honestly. Maybe the one who was about to attack me. I didn't stop to think that it might have been the vampires all along. Theyareuncooperative."

If I was smart, I would stop take back the lie and explain why I'm really here. But I can't tell her about the mating instinct. I can't face her rejection just yet. So I continue with the lie.

"Yes, It's the vampires. I just wanted to let you know," I say as I turn to face the window I came in through. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"Why didn't you bring this threat up at the meeting?" she asks.

"I meant to tell you after the meeting, but I was distracted," I say.

"By the potion!" Elspeth says, nodding. "So, you and your pack are protecting us?"

I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying something stupid, like how Ihaveto protect her.

I nod and then leave without another word. Then, I shift back into a wolf and run the building's side and into the street. My entire run home, I beat myself up for lying. If I'd just kept my distance, I wouldn't have had to. But staying away from her is impossible.

* * *

Two days later, my lie has spread.

"Have you heard about the vampires?" one of my wolves says as he approaches me even before I am able to take the first sip of coffee.

"What about them?"

"There's a rumor they're planning to assassinate the coven witches."

"What?" I say, shocked at how the lie has developed. All I said was the vampires were a threat to the coven witches; Ididn'tsay anything about assassination. Then again, it doesn't take long for rumors to grow between the city's supernatural factions.

"Well, the vampires are outraged at the accusation," he says, bringing the severity of the issue to my attention. "And Mickael thinks you made it up to make the vampires look bad to the coven."

I have no doubt that's true.

"He's declared an all-out war against the werewolves, saying he'll pick them off until they're dead and he can take control of the pack's territory."

I've made a huge, hot mess, all because I couldn't keep my eyes off Elspeth or tell her how I really feel toward her.

"Lucian, you know I'll always be straight with you."

"I know that Gregory, and that's why you are my second-in-command," I say to him with grave appreciation. "And why you're my friend."

"Then, as your friend," he says, "tell me how this rumor really started. I can see in your eyes that you know."

I exhale deeply and tell him about the lie I told, whichmayhave implicated the vampires unintentionally. I even tell him the reason behind why I did it, and how I can't stay away from Elspeth. About how she's my mate. I know he'll keep all this a secret.

"You mated with a witch?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"I felt the mating instinct with her. We haven't mated. She doesn't know how I feel," I say.

"You should come clean and fess up," he advises. I know I should follow his advice, but I'm not sure I can. "Just tell her why you've really been visiting her, then explain to Mickael why you made up the rumor."

"What? I can't tell them that."

"Why not? It seems like a much better alternative to war with the vampire clan, doesn't it?" He says with a rather judgmental tone. He's staring at me, one of his brows raised higher than the other, which usually indicates he disapproves of something. I know he's right, but I'm not ready to tell Elspeth yet. I know what a hard time the coven gave their divination witch, Sybil, about falling for a Fae, and that was when both parties were in love. But I'm in love with Elspeth, and for all I know, she only sees me as alpha of the wolf pack and nothing else.

"Fine, I'll tell Mickael what happened," I concede. "But what do I do about the clan encroaching on our territory?"

Gregory shakes his head and sighs, "I don't know. Deal with Mickael first, then focus on Tala. And once all that drama is over, you can confess your feelings to Elspeth."

