Page 20 of Blade's Boo

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A part of me understood why Blade had done what he did. He was being a gentleman and making sure I didn’t regret allowing him to touch me. I loved that about him. The other half of me felt let down and was second-guessing myself. Had he really done it for me, or was this his way of getting out of doing more, because I’d disappointed him?

Having never had anyone do that to me before, I had no frame of reference. How did guys typically respond after doing that to a woman? He’d been hard, but I’d heard women talk and say that men could get hard over anything. It didn’t mean he wanted me.

Throwing on sweat clothes, tennis shoes and grabbing my jacket, I headed out to my car. Something told me, Blade wasn’t still watching me. After discovering he had been, I’d thought back to see why I hadn’t noticed being watched. The reason why was that it didn’t creep me out. I’d felt this subconscious sense of being protected. That feeling was gone.

I took off and headed north. I hadn’t explored that area as much as I had around Knoxville and Sevierville. I drove for a few hours then parked at a busy gas station. It was well lit and there were lots of people around. I went inside to get something to snack on after filling up my car with gas. I sat in the car eating and thinking.

I’d been so sure that I’d made the right choice. Despite everything I’d learned about the Warriors, I hadn’t been able to find it within myself to fear them or condemn them. Maybe it was because I’d been raised in a super strict household that taught fire and brimstone about worldly sins, yet those men broke the rules and in much worse ways. If those with bad intentions could be judge, jury and executioner for so many people, then why couldn’t good people like the Warriors? My gut was telling me they were good.

Now, after tonight, I was back to doubting myself. What made me think I could be normal and have happiness? Reuben and my father had damaged something inside of me. I had hoped I was finally going to be able to take those all-important steps to heal and to maybe have a life with someone who I could love and who would love me. Had I been wrong?

By the time morning was truly here and I hadn’t untangled my mind, I knew I needed to talk to someone else. I hunted for my phone. Seeing it was dead, I plugged it into the car charger. As soon as it got a tiny charge, I called. I hoped I wasn’t disturbing her. I smiled when it was answered promptly.

“Cassia! Where are you?” Urgency and worry was evident in Neriah’s tone. I thought if anyone, she’d know what I was going through, since she’d lived several years in that prison.

“Why? What’s wrong? You sound upset.” Had something happened to Blade?

“Wrong? You could say that. Blade is losing his mind! He got up late and went to check on you like he does every day. He said your car was missing and not at home or the bakery. He’s on a tear, trying to find where you went. He thinks you ran away. I thought you were going to stay and work on a relationship with him? Did I get it wrong? He’s mumbling about scaring you last night. Did he hurt you?”

“No! No, he didn’t hurt me. I needed to get away and clear my head. That’s why I’m calling. I know we just met again but I need to talk to someone and you’re the only one I think can relate best to me. Is there any way we can meet and talk? I’m a few hours away, but I can meet you back in Dublin Falls.”

“Jesus, thank God. Okay, let me think. If you come here or we go to your place, he’ll be there in a flash. I assume you don’t want to see him until after we talk,” she muttered. I hummed in affirmation.

“Fine. Why don’t you meet me in Sevierville? There’s this little coffee shop over there that I like. Found it by accident one time. It’s eight now. Can you be there by ten? I’ll send you the address.”

I calculated the distance. I’d driven north but had at some point started to head back toward home, taking a roundabout way. “I can make it there. Thanks, I really appreciate this, Neriah.”

“Don’t thank me yet. Girl, we need to get your head cleared up. I won’t tell Blade what we’re doing, because he’ll follow me, but I need to tell him that I spoke to you and that you’re alright. I’ll say you’ll be home this afternoon. Until then, keep your phone off.”

“I can just not answer him. I see he’s left a ton of messages and texts. My phone died.”

“I’m not worried about that. Smoke can find you, using your phone. I don’t know how. I just know he can. Now, be safe and I’ll see you in two hours. Bye.”

“Bye,” I muttered before she hung up. Taking her advice, I shut off my phone. It would keep me from reading his texts and listening to his voicemails. I couldn’t cloud my mind more. After using the bathroom, I got on the road. I’d be cutting it close.

Just shy of two hours later, I made it to the shop that Neriah had texted the address of. It was in a quaint little spot in Sevierville. There were a lot of little places like this around the town. It was a tourist destination for those coming to experience the local attractions and mountains. As I pulled in, I checked to see if there were any motorcycles in the parking lot. I didn’t see any. Why my heart felt heavy, I didn’t know. I didn’t want him to be here. Or did I?

Walking into the fairly busy café, I easily spotted Neriah in a back corner at a table. She waved and smiled when she saw me. She wasn’t alone. Only it wasn’t who I thought might be with her. Sitting next to her was Bryony. I was glad to see her. I didn’t waste time going over to them. They both stood up and hugged me.

“I hope it’s okay that I brought Bryony. It’s the only way Thorn and Tiger would let me come without them. They worry too much. Tell me what you want to drink. I’ll go get it,” Neriah said.

“I’m glad you brought Bryony. A tall, iced caramel macchiato, if they have it. If not, anything with mocha or caramel in it will do. Thanks.”

She went to the counter while I took a seat. Bryony grabbed my hand. “I was so happy to hear you were okay. You caused quite the stir. Blade had the whole compound in a tizzy this morning when he couldn’t find you. He settled a little once Neriah told him you called and were okay. That you hadn’t run away and would be back later today.”

“She didn’t tell him that we were meeting, did she?” I glanced around.

“No, she didn’t. She told me. I didn’t even let my guy know, or he would’ve told him. We snuck off, saying we needed girl time. Can I ask why you’re avoiding him?”

“Sure, I’ll explain once Neriah gets back. I’m hoping you can help me unravel this mess in my head. I thought I had it figured out then last night happened.”

It wasn’t long before Neriah was back with my drink and we got down to talking about what was on my mind and what had triggered it. I blushed as I explained last night, but I had to get over it. They were women. I could talk to them about sex.

Blade: Chapter 8

Call me suspicious, but after waking up with a hangover, then finding Cassia gone, I was extra sensitive. Which is probably why after Neriah told me she had called her and said she was fine and would be back this afternoon, I wondered why she hadn’t called me. Then not long after that, I saw her and Bryony leaving the compound together. I went straight to their men and found out they were going to do some shopping in Sevierville. They were just as suspicious as I was, which is why we had Smoke track their phones to this café in Sevierville.

We parked down the street and walked up to it. I tried to look inside to see if I saw them. I didn’t. Thorn was the one to spot them and nudge my arm. He pointed. “There they are.”
