Page 26 of Blade's Boo

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“We came to sample some of your awesome baking. We’re going to take some back to the clubhouse for the others and we’re here to ask you a favor.”

“Sure, what do you need?”

“Well, it’s more of a favor that will benefit you. All the old ladies and the guys are anxious to meet you and get to know you. To save you from having them descend on you here like a swarm, we’ve decided to have a get-together at the clubhouse tomorrow. Blade is going to ask you later. We wanted to come early to tell you that you have to say yes. We know the thought of a lot of people might be scary, but they’re all wonderful. Blade has claimed you, Cassia. You can’t hide from his club. They’re his family and will be yours too,” Bryony said.

I admit the thought of going and meeting dozens of people did scare me. He’d told me how many members, old ladies, and children there were. It was enough to remind me of how the Church of Converts compound was. I didn’t want to trigger any of those old memories.

Neriah gripped my hand. “I know what you’re thinking. The word compound makes you think of South Dakota, but I promise, other than there being men, women, and kids there, the similarities stop with that. The club is nothing like the Converts were. If they were, I wouldn’t set foot in there. I live on the compound, Cassia. It’s safe.”

“Okay, let me think about it. I promise to consider it, but I need to talk to Blade about it. Now, how about you check out the display and tell me what I can get you to tempt your taste buds.”

They let me change the subject, which I was thankful for. They hung around for almost an hour. When not helping other customers, I sat and chatted with them. I only had a few hours to go, and I was free for the day. When they left, they took several boxes of pastries with them.

Jan jumped on me as soon as they left. “Getting chummy with those biker bitches, aren’t you? Do you think if you dress and talk like them, Blade will stick around? I have news for you. No matter what he said this morning, he’s not the kind of guy to stay or to just limit himself to one woman. I’ve seen those guys around town. They like variety and they like sex. Mark my words, you and Blade won’t last a month.”

Her words stung. She was picking at one of the tiny insecurities I had. I’d tried to bury it, but she was unearthing it. What if I wasn’t enough? That was the big reason I’d told him to use condoms. Until I knew he was going to stay and wasn’t hiding a dark personality, I had to protect myself. Bryony and Neriah’s assurances that the guys were good men helped, but only time would tell.

However, I wasn’t going to let Jan know she hit a nerve. I gave her a carefree smile. “Keep thinking that. I know what I’m getting with Blade and his club. Have fun this weekend while I spend it with him at the Warriors’ compound. You’re just upset he wasn’t taken in by your flirting. One day, you’ll realize that men don’t want women who throw themselves at them. That’s why the guys you go out with only use you and then move on.”

“Screw you, bitch,” she snapped, then she walked off. An hour later, I came out to find she’d left. I called her phone, but no one answered. I was about to call Ian when he rang me.

“Ian, hello.”

“Hi, Cassia. Hey, I’m sorry to do this, but I’m out of town and won’t be able to get there in time and Erin can’t come in early. Jan called and said she was sick. She’s going to be leaving. I need you to stay until Erin gets there.”

That would have me working until four o’clock. That was a twelve-hour day, and I was exhausted from the long week. I took a deep breath and replied, “I understand and I’ll do it. However, could you tell Jan the next time she’s going to leave, it would be nice if she told me and didn’t just disappear. She’s gone. I came out of the back to find she had left. I was just about to call you.”

“She did what? Oh no, I told her not to leave until I spoke to you. She must have misunderstood.”

I knew he wouldn’t believe she’d done it to be malicious, but I knew. She was pissed at me for what I said. This was her way of paying me back. I reassured him that I could stay then got off the phone, so I could text Blade and tell him I’d be late. I knew he’d want to know. I didn’t call him since I had no idea if he might be in the middle of something. He met with customers and did security installations and other stuff. His reply came back fast.

Me: Jan pulled the sick card and left. Ian can’t get here and Erin can’t get here early. I’ll be working until four.

Blade: That’s bullshit. Was she spiteful all day?

Me: Of course. I kind of told her off, and she was pissed. She left without even telling me she was going.

Blade: What a bitch. I’m working until five. Meet you at your place?

Me: Sounds good.

Blade: Don’t cook. I’ll bring dinner.

Me: Ooh, sounds good. Surprise me.

Blade: Oh, I’ll have lots of surprises for you. Don’t worry, Boo. TTYL.


A new wave of people hit in the middle of the afternoon and I was run ragged taking orders, keeping the cases filled, baking more things, prepping stuff for Babs for tomorrow, and keeping the tables clean. By the time Erin came through that door, I was ready to run. I quickly gave her the rundown. She should be well armed for any orders coming in between now and seven when the bakery closes. She worked this half of a shift because it worked with her school schedule.

I was dragging as I walked out to my car. I’d originally planned to go home, do laundry, dust the apartment and make something for dinner. I figured Blade would be over. Well, that wasn’t happening. The dusting and laundry would have to wait. I was thrilled he decided to bring dinner. At home, I changed into my comfy clothes after taking a shower. The hot water helped to soothe my sore muscles. I was relaxing on the couch, watching a baking show. Yeah, you’d think I’d get enough of that, but I loved to watch those competition shows. The ones that took place over in England were my favorite. The desserts they made were so different from what you found here in the States.

I was caught up in one of those when there was a knock at the door. Looking at the clock, I saw it was five thirty. It must be Blade with dinner. I hurried over to let him in. When I swung the door open, I was surprised. Standing there was a man I didn’t know. He instantly made me feel funny. There was something in his eyes and the way he looked at me that made me want to close the door.

“Oh, hi, can I help you?” I asked, trying to be polite and hopefully get rid of him.

“Yes, I think you can. I’m your new neighbor, Heath. I live above you. I hate to bother you, but would you happen to have any sugar? I’m baking something and I didn’t realize I was so low. I don’t want to go to the store and fight the after-work crowds.”

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