Page 27 of Blade's Boo

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His request didn’t seem unreasonable, but I didn’t want him hanging around. “Hi, Heath, I’m Cassia. Sure. If you wait here, I’ll get you some. How much do you need?” I pointed to the step outside my door. No way was I letting a strange man into my apartment. I wasn’t stupid.

He looked disappointed for a moment then he smiled. “Two cups if you have it. I’ll be waiting.”

I closed the door on his creepiness and locked it. I hurried to the kitchen to get him a plastic baggie of sugar. When I opened the door, he was being joined by Blade. I smiled in relief.

“Hi, Blade. This is Heath. He just moved in upstairs. He needed some sugar for baking. Here you go. Good luck on whatever you’re making,” I told Heath then turned back to Blade. “I’m so glad you brought dinner tonight.”

“Thank you, Cassia, you’re a lifesaver. It’s nice to meet more people. Blade is it? Do you live here too?”

“Yeah, I live with Cassia. If you don’t mind, we have an evening planned. Have fun baking.”

Blade walked past him and took my arm, bringing me back into my apartment. He didn’t say anything else before he closed the door in Heath’s face. I fought not to giggle. It appeared my man might not like other men around me. I should see that as controlling, but in his case, I found it made me feel safe and wanted. He took the bag in his hand to the kitchen and sat it down on the table.

He swung me around and his mouth came crashing down on mine. He kissed me hungrily, like he couldn’t get enough. I kissed him back. It was a battle of lips and tongues. When he lifted his head, his face was tight and looked a little feral.

“I don’t like that guy. There’s something about him. Stay away from him. He can go beg sugar or whatever else he wants off someone else,” he grunted.

“Adam, I agree. He was a little weird, but I won’t be rude. I know what it’s like to move and if you don’t have something, being in the middle of a recipe without an ingredient is frustrating.”

“Maybe, but if he comes around again, I want to know. You can’t be too careful. You’re a beautiful woman living here alone.” He was unloading our food as he said that.

“I think you have nothing to worry about. Only you think I’m beautiful.”

He stopped unpacking and gave me an incredulous look. His arms came out to encircle me and bring me close to him again.

“Boo, you have no clue do you? No clue how beautiful, sexy, and attractive you are. I see the way other men at the bakery eye you. They’re more than interested. Give any of them even a hint that you’ll go out and they’ll be all over you. However, don’t do that unless you want to see a whole bunch of them in the hospital. Tomorrow, you’ll see. My single brothers will be green with envy when they see you. They might flirt some to tease me, but they won’t get out of hand.”

“You think your club brothers will flirt with me? I highly doubt that, but if they do, I’ll try and not let it go to my head,” I teased. With him saying that, I made up my mind to go so I could show him he was wrong. I was finding my sense of humor and more of my personality which I’d hidden for so long was coming out around him.

“You do that, or I’ll just have to remind you in front of all of them why I’m the man for you. Now, stop trying to rile me up and let’s eat before our food gets cold. I hope you like Mexican food. This is my favorite place in town and they do this combo, almost like a buffet, that’s the best. Lots of things to choose from.”

“I love Mexican food. I can’t wait to try it all.”

He finished unpacking the boxes while I got us plates and utensils. The smell was so heavenly. As we filled our plates then sat eating, we chatted about our day and what we did. I liked to hear what he did even though he thought I’d find it boring. He was pissed at how Jan just left me after our chat. I shrugged it off. It shouldn’t surprise me. She rarely came to work on time and called off more than the rest of us combined. I wasn’t sure why Ian kept her, other than help was hard to find and he was a nice guy.

After dinner was over, we cuddled on the couch. He insisted he wanted to watch one of those baking competition shows I loved. I tried to warn him that he’d be bored stiff, but he insisted, so I put one on. To my surprise, he paid attention and asked a lot of questions. When that episode was over, he asked to watch another one.

It was late, almost midnight, when I had to call it quits. He kissed me then whispered, “Baby, I want to stay with you tonight. Can I? The thought of sleeping alone is killing me.”

I was thankful he asked and didn’t just assume after yesterday that I’d let him stay. It would take getting used to him wanting to be with me more often. “You can stay. I do have a question though. Since this whole relationship, dating thing is new to me. Is it to be expected that we’ll stay here every night or most nights?”

“Cassia, I don’t know what others do, but in my case, I want to be with you every night. It can be here or at the compound. I know you worried yesterday about our privacy and I told you about the guesthouse and the apartment. When you come over, we have use of them. I already cleared it. No one else has dibs, but do you know what would make me the happiest?”

I gave him a kiss before answering, just because his mouth tempted me. “What?”

“If you’d move to the compound and live there with me full time.”

I reared back and opened my mouth to respond, but he cut me off.

“I know. The idea of staying with me and being in a compound is scary. I get it. I hope tomorrow will help dispel some of your fears that we’re anything like the Church of Converts. I put it out there for you to think about. It doesn’t have to be right now. It’s just my wish. If you agree, we’ll live in the apartment or guesthouse until we have our house built.”

“Our house? Whoa, you’re moving too fast, Adam. Let’s get to know each other first and make sure we can stand each other and don’t drive the other person nuts. If that goes well, then we can think about me staying there. A house is something we won’t need for a while, I don’t think.”

“I think it’ll be sooner than you think. I don’t see you making me nuts, not like that. I’ll warn you, Warriors are known for claiming their women and building their houses rather quickly. It’s just the way we are. You can blame that on Terror, our president. He started the whole thing when he met Harlow almost nine years ago, although he had a head start, I heard. He had a house already.”

“Lord, what am I going to do with you?”

“I have a few ideas. Why don’t we go to bed and I’ll show you a few of them?” he whispered, as he licked the shell of my ear. I shivered. Who knew that was an erogenous zone for me?
