Page 32 of Blade's Boo

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“Baby? Who the hell is this bitch?” Lala asked angrily. Like she had any reason to be angry or call my woman a bitch. I whipped around to tell her off, but Gunner beat me again.

“She’s his old lady. The only bitch in here is you. You’ve been trying for months to get in Blade’s pants and he’s made it more than clear that he’s not interested. He sure as hell won’t be now when he has a woman like Cassia. She’s the kind of woman he makes his old lady, not you. It’s time to go. Get your stuff and don’t come back unless you’re invited. I can promise you, I won’t be asking you.”

She gave a frustrated little scream, then marched out of the kitchen. As she passed Cassia, she looked at her with fire in her eyes. After she left, Gunner spoke again. “I’m sorry, Cassia. I thought you guys would’ve already been down. She had no right to call you a bitch. She won’t do it again.”

She handed Bandit his medicine then glanced between me and Gunner. “Who was she and why was she here, saying that stuff? If she’s your girlfriend, why was she doing that?”

“Babe, let’s go find a seat and eat. I’ll explain Lala to you. I should've told you about some of the women you might meet here.”

“Shit, she doesn’t know about bunnies or hang arounds?” Coyote muttered.

She didn’t argue. She finished preparing her oatmeal while I did mine then followed me into the common room. I went to the most private table and sat down with her. She didn’t start eating. She waited. Sighing, I began to explain.

“Okay, so there’s four kinds of women you’ll find around a club. There are the old ladies or other family members like Ms. Marie. Then there are bunnies and hang arounds. Lala is a hang around.”

“What does that mean? Bunnies and hang arounds?”

“Bunnies are women who of their own free will provide the club members with willing sex partners. In exchange, they get protection and money or a place to stay. Hang arounds are women from town who like to come party with the club and sleep with bikers. They don’t have our protection or anything else.”

“Are they with just one of you?”

“No, they’ll have sex with anyone who wants it. To be honest, it’s not unusual to see them with more than one guy at a time or on the same night. They’re not anyone’s girlfriend.”

“And you’ve been with them before?” I could hear the note of distaste in her voice. It made me feel dirty.

“I won’t lie, yes I have. They were convenient and willing. It was just a way to get my rocks off as bad as that sounds.”

“And they like to be treated like that? Like they’re no better than interchangeable?”

“You’d have to ask them. All I know is they come seeking us and they can leave at any time. I was going to tell you about them, but I thought I’d have time to ease you into knowing more about this life.”

“You won’t be with them anymore, will you? Not while we’re together. That’s what you said, no other women,” she reminded me.

“Hell no! I told you before, it’s only you and me. And since we’re going to be together forever, you’re the last woman I’ll ever be with.”

“I heard her say you haven’t been with her. Are there women who you have been with still around?”

I flinched but told her the truth. “Yeah, there are. I can’t promise you won’t see any of them. We try to keep them away whenever the old ladies and kids are around. She must’ve come after we went to bed last night. I’m sorry. I can’t change my past.”

“And I can’t change mine. Yes, it makes me feel funny to know women you’ve had sex with will be here. I won’t lie. Do any of the other married brothers sleep with them? What if they get them pregnant? Do the old ladies raise the babies?”

I choked on the drink of coffee I’d taken. “Jesus, no, none of my married brothers would touch them. I told you, we’re not like the Converts. As for babies, it hasn’t happened with us, thank God, but if one of the single guys got one of them pregnant, they’d take care of the kid. I doubt they’d marry the mom and if she was a shit mother, we’d make sure to get the kid and help him raise it.”

She remained quiet for a long time. The knot in my throat wouldn’t go away. Would this be the thing to push her away? I was praying it wouldn’t. Finally, she sighed. “I’ll have to get used to it. I don’t want to see them more than I have to. And if we have kids, I don’t want them seeing them either. I don’t want to explain who they are. Lord knows, it was bad when I learned about the women the Converts kept. Can we just forget them and go back to enjoying the rest of our weekend?”

“I promise, they won’t be here much. I’d love to forget them and get back to our fun. Let’s eat then we’ll decide what you’d like to do today.”

She smiled and set about eating her oatmeal. It was cool but still tasty. I was glad to have survived that hurdle. I wondered what would be next.

Cassia: Chapter 11

I was back to work after an overall great weekend spent at the Warriors’ compound. I got to know everyone at least a little bit and Blade even more. Finally letting him in was amazing and scary as hell for me. I couldn’t silence the tiny voice in the back of my head that wouldn’t stop telling me he was going to hurt me and I’d be left to pick up the pieces alone.

I think a part of me thought I didn’t deserve happiness, which was ridiculous. Everyone deserved that. The way he treated me showed me over and over that he wanted me. That he loved me just like he said.

So, after such a good weekend, I hated to see it end, but it had to. We had to go to work and be adults. I came crashing down. When I got to work, I had to look at Jan’s sour expression. She refused to speak to me, which I didn’t mind, as long as she would have when asking me a work question. She glared at me every single time she saw me. Her attitude was rubbing me wrong.

It took a lot to get my temper up. I’d learned growing up to contain it as much as possible to avoid being punished. However, it had come out more than a few times and always bit me in the ass. I took her shitty attitude until the afternoon then I broke.
