Page 33 of Blade's Boo

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There was a lull in customers and no one to see it when I did. I marched up to her and stood there staring at her until she was forced to look at me. She sneered and didn’t say anything at first, then finally snapped, “What?”

“That’s my question. What’s your problem, Jan? You’ve been giving me the silent treatment and glaring all day. I haven’t done anything to you, so what’s up? Customers are noticing. If this causes Ian to lose business, he’s not going to be happy. If this is about the other day, I’m the one who should be mad, not you.”

“Oh, really? Why should you be mad?”

“You’re the one who got pissed about what I said and left me here alone. You didn’t even have the decency to tell me you were leaving. I found you gone, and then when I talked to Ian, he told me you called him claiming to be sick. I suggest if you can’t take it, don’t start stuff with people. Being a bully and a bitch isn’t attractive.” Outrage filled her expression, and she put her hands on her hips. I waited for it. I’d rather we get it all out than play stupid games.

“Who do you think you are? Just because you’re sleeping with a biker doesn’t make you hot shit. He’ll dump you soon and then you’ll be back to being the nerdy baker you really are. What he sees in you, I don’t know. He sure as hell could be with women who know how to give him what he needs.”

“A woman like you. Is that what you mean? Because believe me, I know that. However, he told me he’s tired of women like you. He wants someone he can settle down with and have a family with. He’s not looking to have fun and then walk. He introduced me to his whole club and their families this weekend. In fact, he’s so serious that he wants me to move there and live with him while we wait to build a house. How is that for not being serious?”

Her mouth dropped open. I saw her shock. She quickly masked it and sneered again. “He must have lost a bet or something. They’re all helping him to make a fool out of you. When he dumps your ass, I’ll have the last laugh.”

“If that happens, then so be it. Until then, I expect you to answer me when I ask you questions that are work related. I won’t be chatting with you for fun. We’re not friends and never will be. If you keep this crap up, I’ll have to let Ian know.”

“And what do you think he’ll do about it? Fire me? Or are you hoping your boyfriend and his club buy this place and fire me? If they do, I’ll sue their asses.”

“Can’t sue people for firing you if they have cause. I have no idea if the Warriors plan to buy this or not. I haven’t heard that Ian has put it up for sale. Now, I think we’ve covered everything. Let’s get back to work.”

I didn’t wait for her to respond. I turned my back on her and went back to the kitchen. Not even a minute later, I heard the bell chime, announcing we had a customer. I was finishing some prep work on dough for tomorrow’s baking when she stuck her head in the back. She still looked upset. “I need help out here.”

She popped back to the front. Not wanting to have customers wait, I hurried out. I got to work. As the line dwindled, I was brought up short when the next person stepped to the counter in front of me. He was smiling. It was my new neighbor, Heath.

“Well, hello, neighbor. I didn’t know you worked here. No wonder you had enough sugar to spare.”

“Hello. Yes, I’m the main baker here, so I do tend to keep extra on hand at home. What can I get you?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. It all looks so good and way better than what I made. Any suggestions?”

“Why don’t you try the peach tarts? They’re really good. They’ve been selling well today.”

“Sure, give me one of those and a large black coffee.”

As I worked to fill his order, he kept chatting. That wasn’t anything unusual for customers to do, but in his case, it gave me the creeps. “I came to return the sugar I borrowed a couple times over the weekend, but you weren’t home. Did you take a weekend trip?”

“I spent it with my boyfriend.”

“That’s the guy I saw at your place, right?” he asked. I nodded.

“Intense guy. Kind of scary. I wouldn’t expect a woman like you to be with someone like him.”

My hackles went up hearing the criticism in his voice. Who was he to say who I should or shouldn’t be with? He didn’t know me or Blade. “Why not? Blade is a perfect fit for me.”

“Because you’re a normal, sweet woman. Those bikers go for the loud, promiscuous types and they change them like they change their pants. I hope you don’t get hurt. There are men out there who would treat you the way you should be treated.” His searching gaze made me uncomfortable. It was like he was looking for a certain reaction from me.

“Well, Blade isn’t like that, so I don’t have anything to worry about. Here’s your order. That’ll be seven dollars and fifty cents,” I said, as I rang him up.

He seemed reluctant to take it but he did. But he didn’t leave with it. He took a seat and began to slowly eat and drink. As soon as the rush slowed down, I went to the back. I counted the minutes until I could leave. Luckily, when it was time, he wasn’t there. Blade had to work, but I knew I’d see him later. He planned to come to my place and stay tonight. He meant what he told me the other day. He didn’t want to have us sleep apart. If I wouldn’t stay at the compound, he was going to stay with me.

On the way home, I stopped at the grocery store. I had things to get for the week. As I walked the aisles, I got the feeling I was being watched. I looked around. Standing at the end of the aisle, staring at me, was Heath. When he saw that I’d spotted him, he smiled and came toward me.

“Well, imagine that. Two times in the same day. This must be my lucky day. Are you shopping for something good?”

I saw he had a few frozen meals and other instant made items in his cart. I guess cooking wasn’t his thing, just baking. I didn’t want to be rude since he was my neighbor, but I didn’t want to encourage him either, so I kept my reply short.

“No, just things to cook for dinner this week.”

“Man, I wish I could cook. I miss home-cooked meals. Maybe one of these days, I’ll have to try some of your food. That peach tart was amazing. I suppose your boyfriend is coming for dinner tonight.”
