Page 40 of Blade's Boo

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I poured all the sincerity I could into my voice, so she could hopefully hear it. I knew she had reasons for not trusting easily. I didn’t blame her. However, she had to start trusting someone. I wanted that someone to be me.

She took my hand in her small one. She gave it a gentle squeeze. “Honey, I’ll gladly look at designs with you. I promise I’m working on being able to be more believing and to go for what I want. Be patient with me.”

I ran my thumb across her knuckles soothingly. “I can do that. I want you to be sure, so tell me if I get too pushy. I’ll stop.”

She smiled then gestured at the laptop on the coffee table. “So, are we going to look at house designs or not?”

Grinning, I picked it up. I saved it under my favorites. It only took moments to get the site open. It had over forty design styles. As we looked at them, it quickly became apparent she wasn’t into anything too modern or fancy. She liked the ones with a more traditional feel to them. This led us to looking at traditional farmhouses. The argument started when we got to talking about size. She tried to stick to ones that would be too small if we had more than two kids.

“That’s not going to work, babe. The kids would have to share a bedroom. They’d kill each other, and we’d have to kill them when they fought. We need a minimum of five bedrooms. And we have to have more than two bathrooms. If we have girls, when they get older they’ll kill each other.”

“How do you know girls will do that? You didn’t have any siblings,” she asked.

“I had friends and cousins when I was growing up. Their sisters were crazy when it came to sharing anything, especially bedrooms and bathrooms. I’d like to avoid that if we can. They’ll drive me to drink enough with the whole dating thing. Which, just so we’re on the same page, our daughters aren’t allowed to date until they’re fifty.”

She laughed at me. A full belly laugh with her clutching her stomach. I sat my laptop aside and grabbed her, bringing her up on my lap. She was facing me and straddling me. I tickled her, which made her laugh harder and longer. Finally, through her tears, she begged me to stop. I showed her mercy.

“You think that was funny. Why? I thought it was a perfect plan. By then, I’ll be eighty and hopefully too senile and infirm to kill the guys. Although, my younger brothers in the club could take over that duty when the time comes,” I mused.

She smacked me on the chest with both hands. “Stop. You’re not going to be like that. I thought we agreed, our kids would be free to make their own decisions.”

“They will, only not when it comes to guys. In those cases, we’ll keep them innocent.” I made sure she could hear the teasing note. After what she went through, I didn’t want her to think I’d ever rule our kids, especially daughters, like her dad did her. She’d seen and experienced enough of that growing up.

She rolled her eyes at me. She didn’t look scared. Good. “I think you and your brothers are all from the stone ages. Thank goodness there are enough of us ladies to keep you in line.”

I tugged her head down until her mouth hovered above mine. “Oh really. Just how do you propose to keep me in line?”

She didn’t say anything, she just kissed me. It was passionate and instantly made my half hard cock go fully hard. As she kissed me and I kissed her back, my hands were busy kneading her ass. She was grinding her pussy down on my denim covered cock. When she lifted her head, I saw the desire burning in her eyes. She wiggled off my lap, even though I tried to hold her there. She stood up and held out her hands. I took them and got up. Without saying a word she led me to our bedroom. Along the way, I watched her ass shaking. Amazingly, I grew even harder.


I didn’t fully accomplish what I intended last night, but when you’re as hungry for your woman as I seemed to always be, you couldn’t say no. We’d gone to our room and spent the next few hours making love and going crazy. She was becoming even more adventurous during our lovemaking. Every time with her was better than the last. I’d heard my brothers say this, but I’d blown them off, thinking they were just trying to see the rest of us with a ring through our noses. Well, mine was firmly there.

It was hard to concentrate on the job today, since I kept thinking of her. I wanted to finish this day as quickly as possible then go home, maybe look at those house plans more then make love to her for hours again. I was nudged from my daydreaming by Nyssa. She had a smile on her face. “You seem to be out of it today. Wouldn’t happen to be thinking of a certain lady, would you?”

I grinned. “I might be. What about you? I see you walking around here with that satisfied look on your face. I don’t think it’s because you finished another job.”

She laughed then wiggled her eyebrows. “Wouldn’t you like to know? This last job was a fun one.”

She was referring to the one she’d just finished. It had not been our usual security system installation or even cyber work. She’d been asked to protect some woman while she was home for a family funeral. She had an ex who was obsessive and she’d gotten away from him, despite the odds. It had been two years and she was hoping he’d moved on, but she wasn’t willing to take chances. She wanted to be here for the funeral, but not letting herself be targeted by him again. Nyssa had been the one assigned to be her bodyguard part of the time. It was done in shifts. It had gone off without a hitch. No sign of him was found.

“Still enjoy getting out and being around other adults, do ya?”

“Hell yeah, I do. I love Isabella, but there’s only so much mommy time I can do without a break. Lucky for me, Hawk realizes that and supports me. Wait until you have some. You’ll see.”

“Hopefully, that’ll come sooner rather than later.”

“Are you saying you and Cassia are trying to have a baby?” she squealed.

“Shh, keep it down. No, we’re not exactly trying. She’s still a little gun shy. All we’re doing is letting nature decide. She’s afraid she might not be able to have kids after that miscarriage. It was terrible.”

A sympathetic expression crossed her face. “Blade, if that were to happen, you still can have a family. There are lots of ways and being blood-related isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Believe me, I know.”

I knew she was thinking of her uncle and cousins. They were mob bosses and her uncle had his own daughter killed to protect the business. It was the death of Frankie that led her and Jake to settle here and join the force eventually. I gave her a hug.

“Is there a reason I came to take my woman to lunch, and I found her in the arms of one of my brothers? Am I going to have to work up an appetite beating his ass?” I heard growling from the doorway. Turning my head even though I knew who it was, I grinned at him. Hawk was standing there looking at us. I knew he wasn’t totally being serious. Most of the guys had accepted that brothers would hug their women. We just liked to keep them on their toes.

“Hey, I can hug her anytime I want. Didn’t I see you hugging my woman the other day at the clubhouse? Because I’m sure I did. And I was civilized enough not to tear off your arms.”
